Untitled Part 23

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"We should have left you in that basement", Allison said menacingly as she towered over Viktor who was still coughing.

"Wah.Allison. That's enough", Diego said angrily as he stood up.

Viktor stopped coughing before he straightened up and punched Allison in the face. Five smirked pleased at that but he was still pissed at what she had told her brother. He doesn't even what had gotten into her.

Five stood up and he shoved Ben's arm that was in front of him and he walked in front of Viktor as he glared at his sister. The sight of a little blood on her face was a very pleasant one. But he was still pissed. "You went too far, Allison. You had no right to talk like this to your own brother"

Allison rolled her eyes. "I think you are the last one who should give a lecture?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you seem to forget that you are the one who had run away 17 years ago, abandoning us. Abandoning your said brother"

Five rolled his eyes and he crossed his arms. "I didn't abandon anyone. I didn't ask to be stuck in that apocalypse"

"This again", Allison said exasperated. "Apocalypse this. Apocalypse that. I'm getting tired to hear about it", she said as she paced around the room for a few seconds before she stopped in front of Five with a scowl. "Grew up. I doubt that it was so bad there"

"You have no idea how it was, "Five said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't that bad. After all... You are here now. Arent you? If it was so bad then you would have been long dead. And fairly speaking it would have made us a service if you died there. No one likes you. No one liked you when we were kids. And no one likes you now either. You are nothing to us. And we wouldn't give a shit if you died ", she said with her face close to his, smirking.

Five glared at her but it was mostly to hide the pain he felt at her hurtful words.

"Allison. I told you that's fucking enough", Diego shouted angrily and Allison moved away from Five. Five turned around and left the room.

Viktor could feel anger billing in him and after Five left he walked to Allison and punched her again. Harder this time, because she lost her balance and she fell to the ground. "Listen to mere here you bitch", he said as he grabbed her by the collar. "You can say everything you want to me. But don't you dare talk like this with Five. If you do it again, I will male you regret", he said threateningly.


After he left the room Five blinked on the rooftop and sat down on the edge, with his legs dangling. He was surprised that his first decision was going on the rooftop. Exactly like Klaus with the mausoleum and Viktor with the panic room, Five is not a fan of rooftops. Considering that one of his training exercises was jumping from one and blinking. And if he was too scared to jump, his father would push him without caring that he could die. When he was an assassin he had to use rooftops to kill his targets from far away. But he didn't think much about it. He was there and away in a matter of minutes.

 He shouldn't really care about her words. I mean. He already knows what his family thinks about him. He knew that they don't like him, and they barely support him. But hearing it coming from someone aloud, and not just his insecurities speaking.  Well... It hurt like bitch.

"You are not going to jump. Are you little man?"Five flinched as he heard a voice from behind him. He had been so lost in his thought that he hadn't noticed someone sneaking behind him.

"What are you doing here? How do you know that I was here?"He asked as he looked up at Lila who sat down on the edge beside him.

She shrugged. "Lucky guess. The others are looking after you. They are worried. Especially the little man number 2. Now. You didn't answer my question"

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