Untitled Part 35

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Five had walked out of the hotel because he wanted to get away from his siblings. They are annoying and they are never pleased. They won't stop pestering him to find a way to get them back to their own 2019. Can't his idiots' siblings don't understand that something bad would happen if he messes with the timeline again? Apparently no. No matter how much he explained to them, they still continued with their annoying pestering. Selfish. All of them. And to think they called him that when they are the ones who are.

So having enough he blinked away from the hotel and went for a walk. A couple of hours without them is a blessing. Unfortunately for him, not v+even when he tries to go for a small walk, he doesn't get a break. Five stopped when that weird cube from the Sparrow academy appeared in front of him. Five looked around to see if the other Sparrow were. But no. Just a cube and some crows that were flying around. He doesn't know what is that thing. It was definitely not a human. Maybe it was something created by Reginald, like Grace. Anyway. He doesn't know and he doesn't know how to fight it either. He wanted to blink away but before he could do that the pulsating blue cube turned red and he shot a beam at him. 

Five expected pain. But there wasn't any pain. Instead, he fell to the ground and passed out.


"Is he dead?" Five heard a familiar voice coming from beside him. He was starting to regain his consciousness. He could feel that he was in the bed, not on the ground anymore.

"Shut up Ben", he heard a feminine voice, followed by a sound of pain and another woman laughing. Ben? Oh shit. The cube had knocked him out and he had been kidnapped by the Sparrow. Just great. 

Maybe he should pretend to be asleep and after the others would walk away, he would blink away.

"I know that you are awake brat"

Maybe not. Five opened his eyes and was met with three Sparrows. Ben. The arrogant and asshole one. Not the kid one that died when he was a kid and Five loved so much and missed him so much. He always blamed himself for Ben's death. In his mind, he convinced himself that if he wouldn't have left, then Ben wouldn't have died. The others two are two of the Sparrow women. One with short black hair and black glasses. And the other one was with long blonde hair.

Five looked around to see that he was in the infirmary. It looked exactly like how theirs looked. "You caught who you shouldn't. "Five said with a smirk.

"Oh really?"Ben asked with a smirk on his own.

"I can easily blink away from here, "Five said, and to prove his point he tried to blink away. But nothing happened. And now that he was thinking about he was feeling sluggish.

"Yeah. You showed us brat", The black-haired woman said. "We knew your powers and we took precaution. We gave you an injection that makes you weak and you are unable to leave. Enjoy your stay here you little brat"

Five eyes twitched when he was called a little brat. "Why did capture me?"

"We want information about your family. "

Five snorted and he crossed his arms. "Yeah. I'm not going to tell you anything about them" he said but the others looked like they doesn't believe him. Well, they are more stupid than he thought if they think that he would betray his family.

Ben was getting annoyed when Five was continuing to be quiet and glare at them. Before he could do something, Sloane grabbed him and Fei and she dragged them out of the infirmary. "I know that you want to get information from him. We all want. But he's just a kid. So don't be harsh with him"

Even if they had left the infirmary Five still heard them. Normally he hates when he's called a kid. But now he would use this for his benefit. Maybe if he can convince them, that he's an innocent kid, with powers, they would let him go.  He wonders if his siblings are even worried about him. Probably no. Considering that they are used to him disappearing all the time.

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