Untitled Part 87

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Five had warned them. Had warned them that their father has an ulterior motive besides stopping the Kugelblitz. And yet they didn't believe him, no surprise there. But they believed their father? They are so stupid sometimes. They are lucky that Five loves them, because their stupidity combined with the fact that they annoy him and are assholes most of the time, would have made him kill them long ago. So yeah. His siblings didn't beloved him when he said that Reginald has an ulterior plan and their sister was a traitor. So here they were. In an another timeline, and powerless too. So fucking perfect. 

Five looked at his siblings as they learned that they were powerless. Allison was not with them, and rarely speaking he could care less about that. And neither was Sloane which made Luther frantic and was giving him a headache. Five rubbed his eyes as he swayed on his feet. He felt so drained and exhausted for some reason. He was about to tell his siblings to shut up when he was hit by a wave of dizziness that made him lose balance and he collapsed on the ground. He wonders if someone noticed. He doubts so. They were too focused on each other to notice that he had collapsed on the ground. Five feel his eyes grow heavy. Sleep. He needs sleep. Yeah. That's what he needs. He had barely slept more than three hours these past weeks. He would take a short nap and then he would start figuring out how to fix this new mess. Five closed his eyes and he let the arms of Morpheus envelop him.


The others were arguing with each other about what to do next. Viktor, Ben, and Klaus wanted to find their father and get their power back. Lila and Diego wanted to live their life normally and Luther wanted to go and search for Sloane. They stopped their argument when they heard a thud. When they turned around they saw Five on the ground. "Five" Klaus and Viktor kneeled beside their brother and shook him and tapped his face to wake him up.

"What's wrong with him?" Ben asked hovering over the three of them.

"I don't know. He's out. And he doesn't wake up", Klaus said worriedly as he continued to tap his fingers over Five face.

Diego kneeled beside them and he lifted Five shirt, in search of a wound. Last time this happened the little shit had hidden a shrapnel wound from them. But this time there was no blood and no wound. "No injury"

"Maybe he's just tired? He exhausted all his energy?"Luther asked.

"No. He still should have at least made a move or a sound", Viktor said. "But he's all quiet. "

"His pulse is fast and his breathing shallow"Diego pointed out.

"Well, then let's get him to a hospital you idiots"Lila snapped when she saw that none of them made a move to do anything but hover over the unconscious boy.

"Right" Diego stood up and he scooped Five in his arms. Again. He didn't make any move or noise. If it wasn't for his breathing against his neck, he would have thought that he was dead. 

They manage to find a hospital close to the park. They didn't bother to see how good the hospital was. If it was cheap or expensive. It was the closest and it would have to do. And it was pretty empty too. Save for a couple of kids with their parents and two elderly people. They gave Five to a nurse who put him on a stretcher and told her what happened. About how Five just promptly passed out and didn't wake up. Now here they were all of them, in the waiting room, waiting for news about his brother. All of them were worried. Even Ben who tried to hide it. He wasn't very successful too. They also managed to convince the doctor that all of them were a family with the kid and that they are not creepy grown-ups who kidnapped him.

"What do you think that he's wrong with him?"Klaus asked breaking the deadly silence. He was bouncing his leg anxiously and Ben put a hand on it to make it stop.

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