Untitled Part 57

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It's all his siblings' fault. All their fault. And it was maybe his fault a little as well. Why the fuck did he listen to them? After they returned back home Five had been forced into a family meeting about the most important subject ever.

"No way in hell"Five said and he looked ready to kill anyone who dares to talk about that subject again.

"Five..."Allison tried but Five stopped her.

"No. No way in hell I'm going to school. And that's final"

"But it could be fun. Think about all the friends you can make and the knowledge that you can achieve"Klaus said trying to make Five see that going to school is not so bad.

"One. I'm pretty sure that I'm way smarter than the teachers there. And two. I'm not going to be friends with kids. I'm not a kid"

"Alright. I'm tired to hear about this shit. Five. You are a kid now. Stop saying that you are not and suck it up" Diego said unfazed by the death glare from the kid.

"Look Five. You have the tendency to wander the streets in the middle of the day. And people would start getting suspicious of why you are not at school. And they would alert the CPS and they would take you away from us. Is that what you want?"Viktor asked.

"You are not going to scare me with this shit. If they take me, I can always teleport away from there and back here"

"And if you escape from there, they would go to the police and when they would find you, they would blame us and they would arrest us and take you back," Luther said.

Five growled and he crossed his arms. He hates that his brothers have a point. Of course, if his siblings get arrested, he can break them out. Yes. They would become fugitives and... Oh, Fuck. "Fine. I will go to the stupid school"

Allison clapped excitedly. "That's great. I will personally take care of your enrollment"

"Yay", Five said sarcastically before he blinked in his room.


He agreed to go to school only if he would go to the high school. Allison had taken Five to a public high school. And after a talk with the principal and a test to test Five knowledge, he had been accepted into the school. Of course, based on his result, Five could have started high school from the 10th year. Hell, he can even skip high school and college. But because he would not be able to make friends like this, Allison and the principal agree to put him in the freshman year. He started school a week later.

And here he was now. In hell. He would take Apocalypse over a high school, full of angsty and sweaty teens any time. Five had tried to make himself invisible. He always stayed in the back, in the classes, he never participated in classes, staying quiet and not bothering to make any friends. He thought that if he would be invisible, and stayed off the radar, he would not attract any problems. Wrong. Even if he didn't participate in classes, when they have tests, he always finish them only ten minutes after he had started. And not only that. But he manages to get perfect grades too. And his homework. They are always on time, sometimes earlier, and all perfect. Because of that, the teachers don't shy in praising him in front of the class. Or they don't hesitate on telling the others students to be more like him. Something that makes everyone unhappy. 

Some students shot him dirty glares, or whisper behind his back when that happens. Some...Well, some are more violent.

"Be more like Five. Five is such a stellar example. The perfect student", one of the said violent jealous students said. Five have no clue what his name is. He was a brute, taller than Five, and very muscled, compared with Five thin body. He was the typical bully, and jock, who care more about popularity and making out with girls, than about his grades. "You think that you are smarter than us?"He asked as he shoved Five against the lockers.

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