Untitled Part 64

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Diego was probably the only one who was the most guilty when he remembered Klaus's struggle with drugs. He should have been there when his brother was struggling. To help him. Yes. Klaus had Ben to keep an eye on him and take care of him. But Ben is a ghost. He can't touch people. Well, he couldn't then anyway. So he couldn't stop Klaus from taking the drugs. Maybe only if he possessed him. Diego had tried to help him when Klaus decided to get sober. Of course, that didn't take too long because of the whole Apocalypse. So yeah. He had been a pretty shitty brother. But at least he could be there when his brother has the urges again and stop him from relapsing. 

Imagine Diego's shock one day when he smelled smoke from outside. It was summer and all the windows are open. So the smoke was coming inside the house. Diego thought that he had failed and his brother relapsed again. When he rushed outside, he realized that he was even more of a failure than he had thought. Because the one that was smoking beside the front door was not Klaus.

"Five!"Diego snapped and Five jumped not hearing him. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked and he snatched the joint from his brother. From his 13-year-old brother and stumped it under his feet.

"What the hell Diego"Five shouted outrageously.

"No. What the hell you? Where did you get that from?"

"Not any of your business. "

"Oh really. I think that it's my business when my kid brother is smoking weed" Diego yelled and when Five flinched a little he realized that he should have approached the whole thing more gently.

"I'm not a kid you fucker"Five said and was about to leave God knows where when he had been stopped by Diego grabbing his arm.

"You are not going to go anywhere until I make sure that you don't have any of that shit at you. Get inside"


"Five. Get the fuck inside"

"I said no", Five said angrily as he snatched his arm from his brother. "You are not my father. And I'm not a little kid either. You can't tell me what to do", he snarled. And then he was gone. 

"Shit" Diego said as he ran his hands through his hair and looked at the spot where his brother had been seconds ago. He was a really shitty brother. He had failed for the second time to notice one of his brothers struggling and turning to drugs instead of their family. They are a dysfunctional family. They prefer to yell at each other and blame each other instead of sitting down and talking and solving the problems like the family they are. And because of that two of the brothers didn't trust that they would be helped or listened to. And jumped into the arms of drugs and alcohol. Five already has a drinking problem. Which is bad enough. Especially with his young body. But now this too?


Diego had panicked. He was the only one home and he had turned the house upside down in search for Five. Normally when Five has an argument with one of them, he locks himself in his room. But he wasn't in his room. Or anywhere in the house. Diego was tempted to call his other siblings. But no. If he told them that he had caught Five smoking weed, they would shout at him and spoke him. 'Isn't what you also did', his consciousness asked and Diego ignored it. Even though it had a point. 

Maybe he should call Klaus. He's the only one who could understand Five and is able to help. No. He doesn't have time to call anyone. He doesn't know what shit Five had smoked. Or from where he had taken it in the first place. Klaus had thrown all his drugs when he decided to be sober. And who the hell sells drugs to a 13-year-old kid in the first place? Anyway. He doesn't know what shit Five smoked and he doesn't know if he's high. So he needs to find him before he got himself in trouble. Even if that means searching everywhere in the city. 

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