...Can We Cross Together..?

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Chapter: 2 Arc: 1 

  Whistling of air blowing over him rang in his ear, scattered clouds shimmered in a deep gray color emanated the same way he felt, hand twitching on the steps of a tall staircase gave rise to the Boy. Body broken and ravaged by the fight it was a miracle he was even alive, trembling under the mortality of his wounds the Boy would do his best to get up, faltering as he rose until he got up on his feet limped over to the side looking on ahead in weakness. Barely able to gaze ahead he would gasp for a quick breath- lungs punctured by fragments of his ribs he could feel a brisk end growing near..except..there was this odd feeling, almost as if..something was calling him nearer..
I must Go Closer..They..
They Call Me..

Now on his feet the Boy gripped at his right arm, now completely fractured and damn near a limp piece of flesh, he tore off the remaining of his scarf off his neck revealing his battered blood covered dirty face once more and make it into a sling. The tightening of the sling made him bite his tongue and whimper in pain, the agony getting so extreme from him finalizing the tightening he damn near whimpered as he fell to his side against the steps. Battered up left hand softly passing itself over the steps as he began to realize where this could possibly be, the giant illustration he saw on the undead mans desk?!, it can't be..w-we just need to get help any help..and...and..Join them. The message rang in his head over and over again as if by a miracle his body would gain some strength and push on forward up the strange marble steps.

  Each step a groan, crack, or popping sound echoed out of the boys body as he went up the steps, his torn apart feet doing their absolute best to keep him standing as with a glance back he could see he was so far in the sky he could see the horizon dotted with clouds down below. Weakness catching up but the message ringing stronger and stronger he would clasp at the steps as he ascended, blood drooling down every part of his body and the heavy panting like breathing as he went on and on, soft warm otherworldly marble stairs being the only thing keeping him from passing out. A loud crack in his side and he collapsed, wailing out in pain as his face slammed against the marble staircase, Push Forward..Your Almost Home..Little One, the voice rang on, a sinister whisper tugging at his soul to go on..

  Finally back to his feet, the boy pushed in ahead up the stairs till he made it to the top, and as he pushed his way with his remaining strength to a large marble platform he looked ahead and witnessed something truly believable in myth. It was a large cauldron-like bowl embedded into the marble floor, like a dream he gazed all about trying to see such a point of him being here until he recalled the paper he analyzed at the undead mans dwelling, a strange ethereal vase covered in symbols and seemed to have been of great importance to the Corpse. His lip shuddered as if the animalistic sense of getting out of here was on overdrive- a Touch! A touch of a cold hand passed its way across his left shoulder making him jerk back in confusion only to see no one there, again and he turned around again only to hear a snap in his right leg causing him to fall back but to his surprise he was standing still all along, it was all in his head.

  In reality, the Boy was standing right in front of the large cauldrons lid, the swirling of ethereal energy seeming like souls spun before collapsing down in the center into a dark abyss void of life, hair blowing all around from the speed and power of said rotation yet he stayed absolutely still. The boy was pale from blood loss and getting worse, body at the point was at the brink of giving out and letting him fall in head first, mind clear he would almost give into the feeling. Echoing screams of those spirits blowing by his ear felt like a cold welcome into his end. His lip would quiver as he tried to grab one last breath.. his foot raising up and over the bowl's lip as if he was about to walk inside and fall inside along with the rest- his body's weakness would make him limp and as it gave out he went in headfirst. A strange presence standing behind him, cold, dark, emotionless watched this all happen, it was if he was followed here and yet just as he was about to fall in something else came from the shadows..falling in Until..

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