"Riveted Spawn Never Seem to Fade Away.."

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Arc: 2 Chapter: 10 1/2

The haunting of the night, its frays and disarrays all alike, sharing their cloaks beyond a shadow of a doubt. For much further along in the woods headed in their direction was the ongoing sense..of hatred. It's compiling masses seeping its way over the brush and turning anything it touches into its fluidity. For even in the brisk illumination of bioluminescence..even the dirtiest of spawn..deep their way into the limelight..

  The shifting bodies of the near goop state pests amassed in the darkness of the night. The lack of a shining moon in the sky hiding their presence as their mass plows through the neighboring wildlife. No tree, cave, nor fiber were ever spared from their influence, all of it becoming apart of itself- one could say that their very influence being hidden in the cover of darkness..could be seen from the stars above. For any small critter would run as fast as they can- trying its hardest to avoid any barbs of flying projectiles that may come its way..only to be met with little to no success. The waves of pests seemed like a wall of malformed bodily mass, like a rotten mass burial blown from its casket would crush all in the way like a never ending wave.


Echoed throughout the leaves of the forest as the air around such words spoken made the forest tremble in its wake. All the pests amassing as one would gain giant surges of strange white energy coursing through them making them shrill and screech out in agony from newfound enforcement. As from all their commotion, shadows lurking throughout the forests would never be the wiser- their bodies hiding behind the masses to becoming one with the world around them would snatch any unfortunate to be left. Their bodies growing excessively more desperate as they clung to any biomass for consumption. Remnant bones of old behemoths lie on dry soil as the masses merely passed their slinked wet bodies across it with their endless arrays of microfiber-like feet that ran across their whole bodies.

  The screeches echoing out throughout the whole woods, some distant animals would hear the calls and begin to migrate in mass away from the source preemptively. Yet, that wasn't all that stirred in the woods; Small glowing orbs of ultraviolet light would hover in random directions just above the ground almost like fireflies, but the moment a burling charger came through the ultraviolet light orbs were grazed by a single strand of hair set off a chain reaction. The orbs shimmered for an instant, having been rapidly spinning in their location to then automatically clinging to the afflicter, but not without firing off invisible shots of unmassed matter between them until they surrounded the target. The orbs shredding their way like bullet wounds into the target while the matter would pierce through them like thousands of small cuts.

  Bodies falling on the ground shredded to pieces, the shadows would simply creep over and consume the carcass before they allowed the masses to get a snack first. With the shadows seeming to smack off pests around them just to finish their meal, pests going so far as to shoot them with their barbs and tentacles in order to get a meal..most weren't effective. Even in these thin moments of much chaos there were silent whispered spread throughout them all, the whispers of promise..of fruition..of..Feed. Its calls being shared through all members of the horde grew pleased with such a call and began to move on towards the source, but one of them would break through the shadows and zoom their way ahead. Small fluffy big eyed creature flew through all the trees and debris in the way, dodging random pest barbs and snares, skimming over the river surface as droplets of water flew off their small bodies. Chirping a few times, the small creature made it through a hole in a log by tightening their small frame before bursting through unscathed into a brand new clearing.

  It was the campsite, looming underneath the small creature were some stragglers fixing their camps up to finally go to bed for the night. The indistinct chirping went unnoticed as the beasts were too busy lifting up large boxes and setting up tents to sleep in to mind such an annoyance. For the small creature would fly through the nets of a net caster and look on ahead to see the flames of the bonfire ahead and screeched out loud. Swiftly thrusting themselves up and using the draft of heat to elevate even faster than before; using this new height advantage they skimmed out the whole scale of this average sized encampment, all the members generally sticking in groups of over twenty in tight spaces except for the strange single light by a large tree further down. With that noted, the small creature chirped a few times then flew in the direction of the tree, night taking its pace as they could still feel the slow encroachment of the pests many many miles away taking its pace.

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