Funny Story..Now some Truth..

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Chapter: 11 Arc: 3 

Sneak your way past everyone else you make it to the office at the back of the hideout, it doesn't matter much but you sense a horrible presence watching over you as you get nearer. Creaking of the door as it slides open makes you hesitate..till you finally get a grip and walk inside sealing yourself within this small room with a unknown entity. Eyes flickering in pain signal a disturbance..but in what..for it is always a constant..


DripDripDrip..Dripping of the late Winter morning dew on your cheek as you wake up, sharp razors beared towards weak flesh, and delicate hands extracting the most succulent of organs..what a test..Rip it apart, eat it alive, meld it back together, and Die..My close..~

  Hand slipping over the moist handle causes you to hesitate and carefully close the door behind you, glancing all around you all you can notice are the many things piled upon one another in corners and shelves to try and make a living space for themself. Stepping over dismembered robotic limbs, jars of clouded fluids of unknown origin, and peering over shelves containing weird objects as you glance off one small item labeled, 'Opt..Bingus', and you stop for a moment and stare at it in confusion. Just before you were able to pick up the small robotic looking object off the shelf the sound of a cough causes you to jolt in place and skip over to the back of the room past all the stacked boxes, Vìrkä coming under the warm yellow light in the back saw a large wooden desk littered with paperwork, strange appliances, a unique weapon with two metal barrels hanging on the wall to your right, and the vagueness of the room around you make you slowly sit down in the comfortable padded seat infront of the desk. Cold air stinging at your senses dull your reactivity as for the moment you glance away you didn't notice the peering yellow eyes coming from the darkness ahead of you, sudden snap of a pencil clicking on the ground and two clawed furred hands slamming down on the desk and Vìrkä perks up still slightly exhausted to face that one individual once again..Drauker..

  Drauker peering down at the woman scanned them from head to toe, their eyes seeming to peer right through you with its horrid gaze, as most of their frame is cloaked in the darkness of the room as they gently slid back and sat down on their large chair pressed against the back wall. Gently tugging at their stuffy scarf wrapped around their neck Drauker said in a quiet tone, "Sorry for that..just had to make sure you were still you", Vìrkä tilted her head to the right in some confusion as her hair dipped over her cheek a bit as she raised a brow, "What do you mean..Still Me?" Drauker cleared his throat and crossed his arms shrugging for a moment as their bright yellow eyes stared at them not even blinking once saying, "..I've had my talks with your two friends in crime already, I've heard their's pointless it seems to even consider harming any of you except for one thing", Vìrkä didn't even bother to respond solemnly taking the moment to correct her posture and face them with their emotionless beady blinded eyes, Drauker leaned forward and said, "For one of Fate..why have you taken such a dark path." Vìrkä's lips were about to open in response till she immediately stopped when Drauker jerked their arm to their right and somehow threw a glowing hatchet at the wall causing the room to quake from the sudden impact. The tomahawk blade resting right by the cheek of the man tied up in bonds Hijìn was seated in a small bench right by Drauker whom didn't even react to the light flickering to their left exposing the unconscious Kÿr, only thing coming from their mouth was, "Take your answer..very literally..I'd appreciate it..mKay?" They said ending in a small coy smile right to the strange woman who seemed unfazed at their companions states.

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