Ripped Apart..Were only Beginning~

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Chapter: 3 Arc: 3
Every few moments is another shot at these titans ripping us asunder..their attacks are damaging the barrier the more they hit us. I don't know why they look like that but it's haunting to know they're somehow alive. We need to be faster..she's watching us they're all watching us. We're at their mercy and I can't save them..
If they continue..I swear on everything..I will

Slicing of the waves as the boat blazes through these temperamental seas, whole parts of the water vanishing then reappearing above them crashing down on the ship as they move, but every time they go under they lose some speed and get ever so closer into the hands of these predators. Their bodies so misshapen and wrought with hatred and desire...what could they truly be for they do not seem natural at all. Coming from a land torn asunder by horrible growths that mutate your perfect body this is a different level of oddity, swore there were different kinds of abilities, but this is a whole different level of bodily manipulation. Those Horns..I still feel their numb shadow on my scalp..they echo out to me to return..yet I am not worthy. The little one beckons me more and more..I can still feel his emanating hatred, the tall one..his soul casts a faded shadow over me..he wants more but I am what's keeping his mind astray. My body still feels so weak..but I have to try something..I'm not dying on this boat- Im not letting my second chance slip through my fingers once again..I will..get my revenge...

Loud booming of the Rajòz striking at any life followed with the trembling shockwaves from the thrusters blasting their exhaust at near max efficiency emanated throughout the turbulent seas. Violent shaking of the ships entire frame caused by the surplus of energy in the water didn't make anything any better. Snap of jaws shutting behind the speeding small ship knocked it forward as the beats below clashed amongst one another as to who will get the chance of capturing the mortals, swerving left to right as they sped through each wave, not even able to look back as all the limbs and flailing organs creep ever closer to them. Speedometer going haywire along with all other gauges in the command center as something began to disturb all mechanical appliances in the surrounding area. Breaching over a tidal wave, the ship glided through the air for a few moments as all of the many dozen monstrosities of the seas ripped their way through one another to try and reach them before they landed. Claws and other organs stretching as far as they could all of them began to tumble out of the wave into the open air till they all collapsed into the dark abyss. The ship rocking back and forth harshly as it landed was able to break free away from the monsters behind them, thrusters pushing so much water away it caused tears in the ocean surface leaving nothing but a trail of water vapor as it sped past towards the horizon.

  Thrashed around in their seat gripping harshly on the cushions with their clear nails till they stopped Vìrkä stared ahead in shock, breathing heavily as their silt grayish white hair was all over the place they quickly looked all around before snatching little Kÿr from below the dashboard. Kÿr jerking around like a flailing animal quickly turned around and faced the woman, "W-We're not Dead?! Wh-How are we not u ran back here..I got thrown around again- Ehem..and then now we're Alive?!", "Y-yeah..we are..for now", Vìrkä responded soon dropping the Sìrlan on the ground with a thud after leaning back in the seat eyes wide open still processing what just happened. Heavy footsteps running to the room Hijìn quickly ducked down and entered the command center looking all around concerned from all that's happened, "Everyone alright? We kept on flipping and turning it was hard keeping the thrusters stable but I think we should be fine now right?", he asked in his raspy parasitic assisted tone of voice only to witness Kÿr on the ground rubbing his head in some pain. On one knee he helped Kÿr back up whom just glared up at her before blowing a raspberry and running out the room to check on some of the mechanics downstairs, Hijìn opened his mouth trying to say something but it was too late..he was now left alone with..her.

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