You've crossed a Line Kid.. Now Burn!

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Chapter: 7 Arc: 2

Desperation to fix wrought wrong- Misunderstandings of future past..whose choice it was to make me such an unstable mess. Can feel it again..the same sensation of endless judgement, I've done nothing wrong..why should it be me judged so harshly for my mistakes..if only they could see i-
Brimstone platform rests your corpse, let ablaze circle your encompassed fate as you take your first steps to being You..Again.. just listen, you need to focus your sights on higher Boy- you just need to wake.. WAKE UP!

  Consciousness back on and Eyes wide open I stare out into what feels like a empty abyss of darkness filled with the ever so peering eyes of whom which to castrate my existence for their own sake. Yanking with his remaining strength Hijìn would look around the stone platform he was layed down upon wanting to know what the hell is going on. With scars and bruises all over his nude body except for a small sash around his waist we're all he had on, the runic symbols painted on his body began to glow a deep yellow and started to burn on his flesh, searing of the runes deep in his flesh by some strange power caused the man to yell out in agony- writhing and yanking on the chains to try and be set free.

  Forceful pull on the chains caused a loud ringing noise to echo in the chamber with Hijìn growling like a feral animal covered in those burning symbols now ceasing, contrary to his own beliefs the Race of super predators were watching him this whole time in the darkness of the room seeing how he would react to this specific form of torture. Grabbing the chains and wrapping them around his hands and wrists, Hijìn would clench his teeth growling and begin to start pulling inwards trying his best to break out of the imprisonment. It had no effect and his nettling screams just proved the point he's nothing more than a diseased dog ready to be left for slaughter.

  Out from the shadows lingering above a large figure would fall down and crash down on the platform right in front of Hijìn looking down at him with its cold yellow eyes, the clanking of chains ringing in the air followed by the man's animalistic growling sounded like a dying rodent to this being, going so far to remove its cloak and expose itself to the human who could now only keep one eye open from the pain to stare back at this thing. Losing all self respect and urgency Hijìn thrusted his arm trying to strike at the other only a foot away just to be stopped by the limited reach of the chains interlocking segments, the Being simply bent down on one knee to match Hijìn's height and pitied him going so far to grab the man by the hair and slowly raise him up to stand properly.

  Blood splatter and no remorse the Being folded its ears back and sniffled along the man's neck, behind the ear, and even the hair, passing it's hard skull like head along the humans worn down burnt skin. Hijìn jerked his head away still snarling like a feral animal that he was, the Being responding by snarling back and taking a step away from the boy- until it began to beat its pectoral muscles. One thump, two, no three, even eight, it beat its chest like an ape huffing air almost panting loudly like a display of dominance towards the human- Hijìn stopped for a second in confusion, breathing heavily from his behavior and wounds only to start using the pounding to grow even more and more annoyed.

Hèr' La Pov:

Narrow corridors and void of any noise is what the living quarters of these animals sounded like- being mute has truly changed their way of life in such a way she couldn't even wish it upon her enemies. Turning a corner she would be right behind two standing guard to what seemed to be a sealed chamber, 'Wow I expected this place to be pack full of whole populous of people or animals.. the uh uhm.. they need a name- Nevermind I can do that later I just need to get across them and reach Hijìn before they kill him', Hèr' La would jump into the open and stand confidently in front of the two guards pointing at them with her black nails. "Hey you Big Bulky Canine skull monster people uh Idk what else to call you- Let me In! I demand entrance!".

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