Fissure Cal- Dont get so techy, we got a job to do!

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Chapter: 15 Arc: 3 

Running Diagnostic

Running Diagnostic

Running Diagnostic

Running Diagnostic





Ring of the MainStage computer as the sounds of soft tapping click in the room, you've grown annoyed of these individuals already and it hasn't been a day..only a an hour or two and you've already been hurt. Snapping of your jaw back into place and stretching of your back signify this as they make all sorts of popping sounds as they're realigned, glancing over to the main desk platformed by the shuttered windows you see Rimi seated on a swivel chair with their legs crossed covered in a blanket looking better than the last you've seen them. Seeing as they're now better you'd want to try to go over, but the lurking suspicion the hunk of junk will tell and harm us again is very much up there- on the other hand you can just see at the corner of your eye the small clean up crew micro-bots coming over and repairing the damages as well as cleaning the messes made by the incidents prior. Letting out a deep sigh of relief you let your shoulders hang as Whistèriä softly plops their head against your shoulder, leaned against you she quietly sips a carton of juice with a large ice pack on her head after getting crushed into a wall- her eyes dazed she glances up at you and the two of you make eye contact for a brief moment, raising the juice box towards you quietly saying: "Want..Sip? JuJu Man?", "JuJu Man..what does that mean?", you ask back wanting an answer only to get no response as she stares at you with a somber fake childlike expression as they wanted you to take a sip for their sake. Looking around nearly catching Rimi staring at the two of you, you decided to lean down a bit and get a small sip of the juice carton- Tangy.. Hmn, burrowing your brow trying to understand the flavor Whistèriä watches your reaction and smiles with glee feeling as if you enjoyed it sincerely. "It's uh-..", you glance over to see Rimi staring at you from the corner of your eye till you face back down to the hopeful Whistèriä whom awaited your response, rolling your eyes you gently caress her cheek and say: "It tastes scrumptious! Much Thanks Whistèriä." Feeling Rimi's gaze fall off your conscious you look away after hearing the small siren giggle in glee from the confirmation they wanted except for the small ow they mumbled out mid shimmy away from you.

  Passing your rugged hand over your arm you deeply breathe in taking it all in, stinging on your neck reminds you of what happened prior to when you met that robotic piece of shit, just after the encounter it stabbed you in the neck with a hard pressed piece of tech placing your identification barcode tattooed on your flesh. Even after many attempts to remove it the marking never seems to go away, pushing it in your mind as far as you can it makes you think the barcode itself has become one with your flesh- Loud crashing sound stops your train of thought as a small repair drone beeps in a panic before hitting the ground and spinning round till it stopped whirring after losing all power right by the desk you were seated on, you exhale sharply looking at it beep a few times as it tried to start up again, it's small little propellers whirring up over and over again until it got crushed by a giant metallic foot sending parts everywhere in a micro explosion. Another small repair drone sped away in a panic until it got caught by the tip of a metal claw keeping it from escaping as your eyes look up to settle upon the behemoth no one else dared test... A. N. I; white sleek frame polished to a definite finish, red pulsing lights beeping of charged energy, gold serrated claws crush another small repair drone making it crumble to pieces on the ground, holo-screen dazzling in vibrant galaxical colors, sharp pointed horns at the ends of its head kept it complete as it made its entrance into the room, the giant 20 meter tall mechanical titan forced all the repair bots away as fast as possible.

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