A Bargains a Bargain..my..Friend..

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Chapter: 3 Arc 4
Final footsteps up the path as you finally take notice to the lit lamp hanging up the path gaining your curiosity. The winds revenged the surrounding area as an occasional tree would collapse in its wake as it kept blowing south, with a mere glimpse of a shadow passing overhead you end the means to just walk on by. The path shortening as you approached it became evident you were basically hanging off a small ridge on a short hill to enter the opening of the lamp post. Feet scampering at its very edge, you finally swipe in and take a small jump into this opening in the hillside. Falling down onto your knees you see as the cave ahead would be pitch dark, with the faint light of the lamp post at the brink of fading away..there's no where else to go..except forward. Taking on the strength to force yourself up again- you try and ignore the searing burn of strings still coursing through your body, yet even then they still take their toll and it grips your mind as you push on...soon fading into the darkness..

Hijìn taking each step one by one he growled under his breath trying to open his eyes as wide as possible to see any better, even with his night vision he can barely see any further as if something was stealing the light from his sight. Feet shambling as he takes he steps he knocks some rocks over in his wake trying to crawl along. Cave walls were damp and the ceiling often dripped with the same dark water that poured its way along this places rivers, when the man's strings began poking around coming from his legs just trying to take notice of anything. Even their shining ethereal blue hue wasn't much use in this place as with their light the view only increased by a extra inch or so..useless again.

Head slamming into the wave ceiling, Hijìn was without a single reaction as it didn't even graze him, merely making him lower his head and keep moving along. The cave didn't seem to alter that much as he went in, with his feet slipping here and there as he walked along the damp path. Sniffling around all he could sense was the death already around him that didn't change his mental state either. Except for what he couldn't see was a path riddled with strange little charms and jewelry coating the ground in all directions, his foot placement being lucky enough to not land on a single thing soon changed. As a heavy footstep came forth and slammed its full weight down on a tiny rose colored amulet on the ground a spark would glint in Hijìn's eyes..for a single instant..

Hijìn instinctually ducking down would watch as explosively coming from the jewel of the amulet a violently glowing being of red and white energy formed and punched right at the wall where the man's head was before falling back into the amulet made the man freeze. He looked back and forth rapidly not able to see anything else until just by the place struck by the strange being a piece of rock would fall and just lightly tap a wooden charm rested down upon the ground and it immediately began to shake violently. Man bewildered by this would take notice to the small wooden charm covered in small cuts beginning to glow a bright purple and white, believing this to be the same instant he began to limp run ahead through the cave. His footsteps knocking over random necklaces, rings getting flung like ragdolls, and even a glass eye rolling on the ground would begin to light up the cave from their violent awakenings.

Bizarre beings of light with strange flowing bodies of energy would break forth from the internals of their prisons, charms once small grew large until they became the very faces of these beings, necklaces hanging off necks with no heads on beings with strange proportions all glowing in their unique light. Hijìn swerving his head only to see the extended single clawed arm of one of these slip past his chest and stab into the wall he kept on running on ahead as more and more would be awakening he managed to see a glimpse of the exit ahead. A small explosion happening behind him sent these strange pieces everywhere causing even more to awaken would soon fall on top of him just as he jumped forth and broke from the dark veil entrapping him to the cave within.

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