Arise Hatred..Dismiss Trust this Once

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Chapter: 22 Arc: 2 
You've never wanted it to be this way, how could you really when all you've done is kill till this very moment, new options ahead you are stuck on what to even act upon. Future is always foretold yet a curse at every step, how depressing, how can one truly love when that persons fate is strewn out to you like a movie..slowly letting itself play till the very end..
Snap Back! We can't stay like this forever..Entropy is constant but life makes the Universe experience actual change!
She's Alive..I'm coming Hèr'La..don't worry I'm sorry..

  The Crimson Forest would erupt with sounds from all corners, sounds of gunshots and whistling of air rang through the salty winds ending with the ever so bellowing roars of a growing titan overpowering all in its sight. Scampering small organisms hopping branch to branch trying to avoid all the chaos would look forth in time before large amalgamated growths crushed their habitats with their sheer power. Crunching of leaves beneath their steps as they ran through the trees whilst avoiding harm at the same time..How could this have gone any better you ask? Why don't you ask the two bickering like children first and maybe you'll get an answer-

  Sliding underneath a log and hopping over a collapsing tree Kÿr sprang into the fray wielding two double barreled, large mag, suppressed, arm supported rifles in each hand, rolling as he hit the ground Kÿr would spring forth continuing his escape from the force behind him sending the remaining woods array. Sounds of deep growling out combined with pissed off yelling broke through the turbulence as the infected face of Ma'ire broke through the tree line behind Kÿr, the ground quaking as soon as it's face made impact with the ground sending Kÿr toppling through the air as Hijìn hopped into the air lunging straight at the monster making it topple to the side as he punched it. "AaAAARRRgghhh Fhhhhr..Hijìn you DumbAss!", Kÿr yelled out as he tumbled onto the back of this hulking titan losing his grip as one of his rifles fell out of his hand and dissipated into thin air, Hijìn extending his arm behind him and pulling Kÿr back tossing him in the face of infected Ma'ire.

  Flick of the wrist and Kÿr reformed a whole new gun in his left hand and started blasting all the bullets into the monsters face, the creature groaning out in pain as it rolled onto its side trying to avoid the fire. "Ac-..", Kÿr could barely utter a sound as he fell beneath the titan falling on top of him and out of sight, "Kÿr'U!", Yelled out Hijìn as he saw his friend fall under the monster only to lose balance and roll off the creature as well, gripping at literally anything before he was able to grab onto some remaining hairs on the creatures back. Infected Ma'ire's right arm extending revealing Hèr'La still in its grasp getting drained of her power more and more, she gasped for breath as dirt flew all about from this things collision with the ground, soon turning around to face the monster and swiping her left hand making a pillar formation of limestone shoot from the ground hitting the creature straight in the lower jaw sending them up off the ground by a few feet. "Y-you Bastard Let Me GO!", Hèr'La screamed out as she flimsily jerked her left hand back and forth making the ground beneath them come alive with random obstructions slamming into the creatures body in an attempt to be set free, while in the mean time Kÿr was riding on these shifting forest floor patterns on his back sliding back and forth across all the shooting upwards formations panicking, "Shit Shit Shit Shit!", he yelled out before the creature gave out and they all went falling down a cliff face a few hundred feet.

  Creature groaning out in pain unable to make out any words any longer from the ever so growing transformation would flail about in the air for a few seconds, the canopy approaching rapidly Hijìn thrusted himself from the hair he was holding on before and tried running up this things back as fast as possible. Hijìn nearly fell off as he ran further up the beast, once high enough on the creatures back he thrusted both hands in the air, serrated blade tar-like growths coming from his wrists he gripped them in his palms and shoved them straight into the side of the neck of this huge monster. Ma'ire yelped out in pain as Hijìn used all his core strength to yank this things head back wanting it to make a headfirst collision with the trees in an attempt to impale it, but from above Kÿr would run off the cliff face and down onto the falling creature below extending his arms in front in preparation to shoot until something comes up at the last second.

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