"What do you have to Prove Huh?!"

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Chapter: 13 Arc: 2

All you can hear is the internalized screaming of those around you- void of what..the instant you closed your eyes and accepted the truth you won't and can never be truly one, you stare back into a real mirror and see yourself..staring back at you with those same beady eyes of yours is nothing less of yourself..

Whispering of many foul mistakes and thoughts can only ring deeper and deeper into your psyche the further in you delve into this pointless conflict, accept it you aren't them and they aren't you- they only carry a piece of your consciousness..your body, nothing is true, but the further we delve we want nothing less for the voices to stop. Take this risk, open your eyes to the truth, you remember the warm white sands when you awoke the first time?, good, now face ahead into a new future as this is just the beginning. You've traveled thousands upon millions of miles, made new friends, seen new lands, eaten new foods to even made genuine connections with people you would've never met if not for your choices. Stop lingering in your mistakes and your past self can only continue to make those mistakes as long as you remember them, Hijìn you need to wake up..not for their sakes, not for your friends, but for the survival of your own soul..

Rang the message within himself, Hijìn slowly opened his eyes seeing in slow motion the two dark embodiments of his mind try and viciously attack him in unison, their energies radiating nothing but hate towards him and only him. They wanted nothing to do with him and sought only their selfish desires to be met, regardless of who got in their way even his friends they'd do what they pleased and it did nothing less to annoy him for having kept these pent up emotions within himself this whole time. The time in the desert when he first awakened his power of the Elders people against the strange Skeleton-like Corpse, when he awakened from near death by the 'Rajòz' hitting him mid air, the Elders powers reawakening when he fought his hardest against the Undead again, then again against the parasite ridden one of his people causing the destruction of the soul well, arriving at the red woods with the mental pain of the parasite taking over again, blacked out when he was captured by Ma'ire awakening to seeing V stabbing him with arrows, and finally the feeling of uncontrollable anger and slithering of the parasite within his very body making him lose his own humanity as he beat V's face into a bloody pulp. These two have been haunting his every choice, they have always been in control, they were the reason why we hurt so many people, they are the reason..we hurt..Aba.

Time had finally caught up with the events and in the epicenter of the collision of consciousnesses a large explosion of grey dust hid all that was going on, within the cloud the sounds of hard thumping, growls of pain, and slashing were heard until it all went silent. The dust began to set just as two heavy pounding noises came from within and the Beast like Anger of Hijìn as well as the dark embodiment of hatred being the Parasite were launched far off into the distance in opposite directions, small holes were blasted into the body of the Parasite as it was launched away, but with a clenched fist and a face consumed with disbelief the being of darkness hit many dead trees in its path before hitting the ground. The Being of Anger fell back rolling on the ground trying to get a grip after such a heavy hit, failing every chance until their clawed hands gripped the clear ground stopping their momentum; The impact was so hard it caused them to stagger in their attempts to get up, holding their chest with both hands in pain looking ahead only to see the cause, Hijìn, who stood in the center not even giving the honor of facing those he had just injured. Anger growing, the Being let go of its chest and began to run towards the human on all fours like some savage trying to strike at them for dare hitting them and in that same instance so did the parasite after getting wounded in return for attempting to gut the human previously.

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