Energy...depleted. Move. Now.

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Chapter: 33 Arc: 3 

Can feel the crunching of charred soil right by you, muffled conversations going on around you, and the internal struggle within trying to make you act upon itself, yet, just as those things go on the..feeling...the never ending feeling...I-I..Hate..This. Body laid face first on the soil you just can't help it, you can't help but smile at this all to any extent apart from its stupidity. Like how stupid living is, how stupid those words of confidence and growth huh? So stupid when in the end anytime we do any little thing we are immediately shunned and casted down as a fool, when in truth I merely made one mistake of trespassing...and it ruined me. Ruined everything..all that fighting, all that bloodshed, all the dead hanging off my shoulders...For What~?! To just be your lap dog?! Huh?! Funny- I've always been called a Mutt but now I see why so clearly!? It's because we are! We've always been such a ragged shit eater from the get go! So clear to me HUH?! ITS just so clear! How have I not seen it before HUH?! HAHAHA?! Such a PRIMITIVE THING?! Understand?! Understand WHAT~?! That someone has a goal in life and I'm stuck here..eating dirt and getting abused..? For WHAT?! That's the point! FOR WHAT?!!! HAHAHA! FOR WHAT?!!! FOR WHAT?!!

Rimi pacing back and forth stabbed themself with a few needles into their arms and chest as the needles hissed as they released their cures into their bloodstream. Wincing from the pain for a second, they would cough loudly in agonizing pain soon leaning too far to the right and nearly falling over just for one of the gauntlet arms to keep them up. Rimi would glance down at the man on the ground then away from it all as they awaited for the ship to arrive in a few minutes to even hours depending on traffic, but away from their gaze the same thing again would correspond for what it's worth. Hand extending out and clawing at the floor, would clench up a ball of soil then move ahead and do the same collecting more. Bodily muscle fibers twitching in rapid succession all throughout his body, Hijìn's body rapidly jerked in random directions as whole muscles in his body tore themselves within his own flesh then grew larger in size. Rimi kicking away some stones as they used their gauntlet to cough on again seeing the blood splatter all over its forearm would scoff in pain knowing that if they don't do anything they'd most definitely fall into a coma.

Wind softly blowing over them left a soothing feeling over the world, the remaining small grasses sprouting from the ground would begin to grow at such a rapid pace they would grow a few inches in seconds then once tall enough, would collapse and die then restart the cycle all over again. Small little green flowers blossoming, withering, dying, sprouting, blossoming, then dying, the cycle kept reforming a flower garden around them then immediately dying once again restarting the cycle. Small little notification popping in their eye, Rimi glanced to the right and would watch as all around them centered at the man this phenomenon would start happening out of nowhere. Growing concerned over one thing they tried taking a step ahead asking out: "Z? Is that you? Is something wrong? Why are you making these plants die? Do you need any medical t-Treatment?" Before Hijìn raised his right arm in the air so fast they couldn't even see it then immediately plant said hand down on the ground making everything break apart; Rimi shocked was launched into the air almost bounced off of it would spit out some blood as in the center all they could see surrounded by lifted rubble was Hijìn's smiling bloodied face.

Body slamming down harshly on the ground, Rimi shaking to even move their own head was barely able to lean to their side would watch as Hijìn stood up from the ground face completely dripping with blood taking a heavy step forward each time. His breathing so heavy it felt like his own lungs were going to collapse in on themselves again, demeanor all lost as his own blood dripped down from the very darkness of his eyes running down into his mouth and bare chest. Large scars from battles past remain across his tattered tan flesh, but at the very center of it all was this gaping sense of nothing. Hijìn's hands turned more and more into ravenous claws, bearing sharp claws and rippled flesh as in this maddened state he would yell aloud in an animalistic wrathful scream of pure agony. Every step he couldn't help but laugh at merely everything as in his crazed dance of life he gripped his own face with his two hands and began digging every inch of his claws deep into his flesh.

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