Father.. Ive.. crossed the Stars..

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  Chapter: 8 Arc: 1 

Far above the clouds, away from all the destruction, I opened my eyes.. I felt no pain, I felt... warmth.. it is like I'm back home again, but I feel so light it's like.. I'm flying-" opening his eyes Hijìn wasn't in the desert, not even at the place where he was floating.. he was flying above the planet in space. In fear, he looked down seeing how far up he was putting his hands to cover his face thinks he was going to die, yet there was something off about him.. he moved his hands back and they were transparent.. not only transparent but they were glowing a light orange. "What happened to me.. am I- no.. am I dead.." Hijìn thought with a saddened look on his face, looking around and seeing millions of souls flying in the same path he is going.

  He clenched his fists in disappointment believing he had truly failed Aba.. if only he could see him one last time. A touch.. a touch, and another.. the boy's attention was lost as he turned around and saw a familiar face, it was Kÿr and oddly enough he was exactly like his friend just now glowing with an odd Blue transparent body. "A-re we?" Asked Hijìn staring out at the abyss of space ahead "yup.. this is the end of the line friend, I never imagined death to seem so beautiful but so endless.. I'm sorry we couldn't win- if only we..". Kÿr was cut off by his friend who said "No.. I should've listened to my father.. I should have stayed home away and never caused this madness I don't want you taking responsibility". Kÿr stared at his friend with hollow white glowing eyes upset at the sentiment "But.." only to be met with silence.

They stayed flying above the planet they once lived on to space and beyond slowly growing more and more empty. Was this really going to be the rest of their lives? Could this be the end? Hell, how could you even get out of this? Nevertheless, the world below them slowly rotated beneath them.. clouds flew by as time changed, and an expansive red continent passed down below them, followed by icy planes to expansive oceans. "I never knew the world was this beautiful.." Kÿr said as he held his friend's hand whilst they flew across the sky.

Hijìn nodded in agreement, but this end wasn't good enough for him.. he wanted to be free- live a long life.. meet new people; In his desperation, he would let go of Kÿr's hand and try to swim down towards the planet again. In a sense of heart wrench, "W-wait!? What do you think you're doing?!" Exclaimed Kÿr, he was long since void of any hope.. ever since the Corpse died he knew things would never be the same only to watch his friend try and continue in a life he's lost. "I don't care what anyone says.. I don't care for anything- I'm not going to stay up here and slowly fade away.. I-I can't be sure if it but these people lost their colors and are white souls because they lost their identities by being here so long, you can stay here but I am living.. I AM LIVING!" Yelled Hijìn in desperation not wanting this to be the end.

Kÿr watched on in hopelessness as his friend continued trying to swim down to the planet below, turning around and noticing something faint.. he jerked his body around to turn fully and his face grew emotionless. Far up in the sky, after being launched so hard by the Goddess the two's remains were shot to escape velocity speeds and ejected out to space, bodies frozen in the cold and torn to pieces by the speed and force Kÿr's soul watched in regret. "So we're stuck as Souls.. huh" He said in a depressed manner as the horizon to his right began to glow a soft purple.

Hijìn who grabbed onto an asteroid hopped off and propelled himself further until he was stopped by a strange purple aura, the glow illuminated his orange transparent face. Looking up and over the horizon of the world, the purple glow would continue to shine then from the darkness an explosion of light came over all things. Hijìn's empty hollow white eyes widened as the figure of a woman rising up covered the planet's backside, she stretched across the whole planet and seemed to be made of stardust. Hijìn stopped and simply watched, never seeing something so incredible before- Kÿr holding onto his dead body's face turned around to see the woman and he grew agitated snarling "Fate.."

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