"Recoursed my Purpose..Jaded..Again.."

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Chapter: 7 Arc: 4

  The stingiest bits of flesh cling onto their benefactor, their slid tightly organelles fixated on feeding on the juicy cells of their higher caller. Such ripeness packed in edible pocketed form, but what's it telling? The call..the call of the horde. No matter how much you creep..crawl..sink, swim, or fly, you've got nothing left except the horde. We do not know how the thorn bush..goes on this long without the horde..may thee thorn bush be going insane?! Is the thorn bush out of options now?! What?! No. The thorn bush will give us the strength to overcome the horde..for that's what the thorn bush wanted..to be one..who ascended beyond the horde..and became someone..truly Alive!

  Xèhtrï fluttering their hollow white eyes for a second would look down to see the fleshy masses that feed off them communicate amongst themselves. The silence of the so called morning is all that rings dearly in anyone's mind..for what happened last night was merely telling of one's own mistakes. Xèhtrï passing their hand across their neck would be evident as they still thought of the pain they must've felt from that strangulation..even more from what shouldn't have been said.

  Small fragments of light from the heavens poked through into the cave and shot at the man's back who tried his best to shy away from it all. While right by his side, the restless siren that beckoned at his spirit to no avail much longer who stayed there..restless. Her hand raising up trying to touch the man's back was felt with the never ending abyssal coldness of the blue depths of the sea. For no matter the plea- the man's sight could never rest, and in turn..his hatred. For a life so short..was never not once untampered..and now that that life wants to form a path regardless of bounds..the world tries to drag it back.

  Lip quivering for but a moment, the siren would hesitate in their exhaustion and utter:

"H-..w-wake up..I..need your help.."

  Bits of dust falling off your back, the man would slowly lumber off from his attempted rest and lay on his stomach while supporting himself on his forearms to face the siren in annoyance. The sirens bags under her eyes were evident of her foolishness to her clause..for she didn't yield not one moment throughout the night to get what she wanted..eventually only making her case worse with each attempt. Siren merely blinking a few times in trying to stay awake would lean to her right as if about to fall as the man merely watched, her body giving in made her eyes shut and take her large last breath right before she collapsed on her side unconscious. The man seeing her rested face against the dusted floor felt indifferent to it all as he bit by bit would get off the floor and stretch. His back defined from all the combat and subliminal spaced training beyond his subconscious stretched and ached from the lack of rest due to nonstop stressors pushing him over the edge..it was if he ripened the more he pushed on.

Brushing the dust off his arms and chest was met by the parasite whom approached him at a reasonable distance. The man now seated on his knees locked eyes with this pestial figure who sparked no sense of violence towards the man..yet the man's own desires..were truly questioning. Parasite taking a step forward extended their hand down at the man while having an expressionless look on their face and tested no longer merely giving themselves up to provide a form of assistance. Although the very burning, agonizing, excruciating sensation of just wanting to grab that accursed hand and tear off every single fiber of their body centimeter by centimeter grew within the man's essence, he merely stared at the hand then glared up at the parasite who in turn didn't change their expression and stayed with their hand extended to him.

"Get. up.." is what the parasite uttered from its cracked hide as it kept its smoky white vision locked on the man the whole time, but even with that attestant the man merely stayed there staring at the parasite, locking their gaze as his very murderous intents seeped out from his body like a haunting aura. The parasite unwavering for their call, would take one more step at the man and hold their hand out to him beckoning him to take their hand. Yet, this was merely a telltale display of expression between the two, the calling of hatred and sense of betrayal form one..and the wanting to make corrections and mistakes from a sense of unawareness from the other..it can't ever end. The man raising his hand almost in a gesture to slap it away was met with the parasite grabbing the man's hand and yanking him till he was on his feet with no real difficulty. Veins visibly bulging across the man's arm as he was forcibly dragged without his consent was met with the parasite looking down at him with the same expression muttering: "We were sent here with a cause..to do one final task to be granted freedom, I do not expect your cooperation..nor agreement, but if it means doing what I need to in order to get the job done..I will do so."

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