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Chapter: 19 Arc: 3 

    (I'm gonna try adding different character povs in the center without being italicized to add a difference in appearance to normal story concurrence, if you want it back to normal lmk in the comments!)

Rampant sparks of pink Rajòz energy shoot across the room as they arc onto live wires left dangling from the sudden destruction as Hijìn and Drauker violently clash on the center stage, tendrils now gone the very few that remained stayed in their best interest to not move...except one. Drauker snarling in outrage to the brink of hyperventilation roared out as beneath his feet the thick metal supports began to crumble under his sheer will to avenge what's been taken from him, while on the other hand Hijìn's darkening face and sinister demeanor only grows worse as the only thing they had to say to this display of emotional distress was to simply laugh in their face. Eyes coursing a bright yellow Drauker pushes further with his forearm as minor arcs of pink Rajòz energy tickle Hijìn's tough darkened hide causing him to flinch slightly, the man's expression slightly altering almost as if the Rajòz are actually distracting him through this engagement. Hijìn's pale eyes flickering he exhales out sharply in frustration saying quietly, "Hah Strange..old Rajòz energy simply burned..this one...this one feels like a explosion of white light in my consciousness- how distracting, every time it tickles me it makes me feel blinded for a moment, must deal with this immediately", he said as his arm began to mutate into a much larger thorn bearing claw applying more and more weight down on the Bleppster whom could only lash out mid crisis.

  "You come here..barge into my home! My Abode! Lead the enemy to my safe space! Get my family KILLED! but noooo~ that isn't enough for you isn't it? By the looks of that stupid Fucking JACKET you're wearing it means you're on their side as well. IM NOT TOLERATING ANY OF IT, AND NOW YOU TRY TO TAKE AWAY WHAT I HAVE LEFT?! WHAT IVE BUILT UP AFTER SO LONG?! NO FUCKING WAY KID! NOT GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN!!"

Is what ran through Draukers mind as the test of strength went on and on, he could feel his very muscle fibers reshaping then retightening as the stress from all the force kept building up, but his mind kept racing! 'Everyone I- Fuck..Me..man, I never wanted to be a leader nor a ruler but look at the position I put myself in, care too much for peoples well beings and look where it gets you..stuck with this accursed child on your hands wanting your head...just..great', he thought as he saw the violent pink Rajòz whizz past his cheek and into the limelight as his very urgency began to quickly fade so does his strength. Hijìn taking a step forward planted his foot down in an attempt to push Drauker back to weaken him to a degree it'd scratch at his pride; Drauker's eyes losing some of the translucent shimmer as the thoughts kept racing in faltered in his forearms strength as the sparks began to slowly die down bit by bit, 'I..had to move those kids..so many times..their poor parents...damn you A.N.I..you piece of shit...look what you've done to us...made us into freaks..flesh rotting cancer having freaks..all for the sake of your little project...', Drauker furrowing his brow grit his teeth in dismay seeing as his forearm was slowly getting pushed down by the overbearing presence trying to consume him..even then..he couldn't care less.

The Bleppster looking out to the stage around him could see nothing but the mangled corpses of his comrades, the people he spent so much time helping get into stable positions- hell even body armor to contain their semi-liquid selves so they don't have to be held in glass jars all the time..now look at them..just scraps of their remains amounted over one another like shards of shite...they never deserved this. Hijìn cackling aloud at Drauker who basically wasn't holding off much at all saying in that horrid voice again: "Fruitless! He's seen it too! He slumbers now thanks to my sacrifice and with you gone I'll be one step closer to achieving my goals...and don't think about it much-", Drauker not even paying attention as he kept to his own thoughts with the huge monstrosity practically crushing him yet still not moved his foot back a single inch, "I can still feel the heartbeats of those living in all facilities everywhere..when I'm done here...I'm going to eat them...PIECE...BY PIECE....Till..they're all..Mine~." Drauker turning around snarling out a worried "NO!" was met with Hijìn jerking his right hand back faster than the eye could ever see and slammed his fist down against Draukers forearm forcibly trying to get the creature to fall on his knees in a sick attempt to shame him, "You SEE?! These mortal bound connections mean nothing when you'd simply outlive them every time~ Succumb to my Love...It'll coat you in a rippled shield that'll never let you get hurt again..-", Hijìn said instantly vanishing making Bleppsters eyes widen in shock hearing in his ear behind him, "My..Sweet Little Drauker~."

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