Terrored Grim- We've Nearly hit the Mark!, around the Corner...

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  Chapter: 22 Arc: 3 

  Skipping past the liquidators once again this time with way more variability you skid to the side between two columns out of the way for a slimy weirdly dressed with over exaggerated clothing, rocking a Carmen San Diego esque hat, and a hair sting thin tail curled by them the slimy creature wielding a blade in hand slid its slimy clawed hands down with a cloth as it stared at you without a face, hopping over a few rolling barrels from two long tailed curly stranded young droplets (one of many nicknames for baby liquidators) hopping inside and slamming right into a fruit stand causing the food to fly in all directions accidentally falling inside of the body of a singular blob of neon green glowing goo that didn't even react to the fruit simply digesting it within its own body while its seeming bio-mechanical partner who wore nothing except a oversized white-T and prickly seeming long shorts held a plate of small snacks such as chocolates and fruits simply dropping them inside their partners body for their own enjoyment. Xèhtrï finally breaking through some more of the crowd groaned in annoyance when he saw just a endless horde of liquidators in his way taking every inch of space to the exit while Rimi was far ahead getting space made for them just by being recognized by their citizens. Seeing no other way around this, Xèhtrï scanned the room for all the opened doors, columns, and pillars available, and before long all that could be seen were micro thin threads connecting it all together and a strange giant man crawling on the ceiling on the tips of his fingers and tips of his toes while the only person to take notice of this immediately being a small liquidator wearing a small white beanie who just stood there and pointed at the thing as it passed on by.

Hopping down right by Rimi, Xèhtrï didn't make any noise as it landed simply walking besides them as if nothing had just happened, Rimi on the other hand looked at them in confusion as to how they'd speed up so much in so little time saying, "Uh you cheated didn't you? Thought this lil crowd would hold you off a lil longer, but since we're nearly there guess I'll just leave it as a tie?" They said having a carefree look on their face while shrugging, Xèhtrï staring at them blankly shrugged as well not really caring much at all to begin with only doing all of this since what else could w- I do? Finally making it to the clearing of the parking lot Rimi held their forearm out in front of them pulled up a stored compartment just inside their wrist saying to a small white holographic panel, "Requesting immediate backup! Provide Vehicle Transport to location", once stopping at the edge of the shopping center where no liquidator was present except the soft glow of the stores shining through glass windows would soon go dark the second a heavy rumble would echo throughout the town. Xèhtrï standing there heard the message Rimi said and questioned, 'What do they mean by needing backup? We're not in any danger..', glancing at Rimi in confusion as they glanced back, smiled for a second, then put their hands to their sides watching on in utter boredom.

Xèhtrï seeing this behavior would take it upon themself to cross their arms in an attempt to replicate it till the constant speeding up rumbling grew faster and faster till something large coming between large houses started to come into frame; Smashing its way through the neighborhood as all that stand in its way are just insects in its path this four legged walking monstrosity flung cars aside like they were but ants, knocked all sorts of things over, but most importantly made a strange snapping sounds as it's mechanical limbs seemed to move in every possible direction to the point this thing was walking on every surface with maximum speed in mind while it's horned head stayed stationary, it was A. N. I...just...different. Xèhtrï's darkened eyes widening in surprise Rimi stayed unfazed as they moved their right hand up and coughed into it a little too harshly splattering a dark substance on the metal till they wiped it on their purple starry jacket. A. N. I reporting in on the message ringing out, "Transport vehicle selected, Ultimatum picked, Welcome aboard our Princess~", before the most strangest thing happened before Xèhtrï's eyes; A. N. I planting its right hand down on the ground fused its index and middle aside and ring to pinkie as the thumb became a support for a glowing gold wheel to form and skid on the ground plowing its way forward, its whole arm splitting apart into a bunch of small pieces the machination thrusted its lower torso ahead as both front arms had formed wheels for its hands and as they thrusted forward they drifted on their side knocking cars, light posts, people, houses, and any sort of things aside. Head splitting in half revealing a skull-like formation encircling a darkness filled orb split into many pieces and into itself as its legs spun around and folding in on themselves as their calves formed two sets of wheels down the ends snapping all body parts together as the torso became the main body of the now formed super car, reflective parts to even visor became the windows and interiors, and with a skid to a stop the once giant robot had become a luxury vehicle right down in front of the two without getting close enough to hit them.

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