Under..My Very Flesh...I Reside..All-

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Chapter: 4 Arc: 4

Gritted teeth in-

Hijìn and the Dragon slam against one another in that very instant. Hijìn's arms stretched apart trying to get a solid grip on this hardy monsters rugged hide are missed as the beasts overbearing presence attempts to crush him. Dragon slamming its massive claws into the earth between its fingers, it sunk its nails into the ground and began to drag itself towards the man, snapping at the very top of his head just barely grazing him each time. Hijìn glancing up would see the open maw of jagged teeth and swerved his head right averting it as he grabbed onto the right shoulder of the dragon and with his solid grip began to slightly raise them up. Dragons four clawed feet plunged so deep into the soil it began to get slightly pushed back from Hijìn planting his feet and shoving back, soon turning into a pseudo-wrestling match between the two over who can overpower who more- with the dragon posturing their strength as mighty as it can be against the animalistic rage of the mortal man pressed beneath their power.

Finger sinking into a hole in the side of the dragons neck in the tussling, Hijìn shoved his finger in and with his upper body strength, would thrash the Dragon sideways making the two of them slightly skip back and forth from the shared resistance. Long slender tail slamming against everything in its quake, the dragon snarled out a deep raspy breath as it seemed to not have any visible eyes at all, exhaled out a raspy blood mist growl before the hole the man shoved his finger within began to rapidly warm up. Hijìn not sensing this at first would see forth through the dragon for a small instance and just as he gained the key sense and pulled his finger out, the hole glowed for a split second as just right behind them a massive explosion of blood and other fluids splashed everywhere. Man thrown off balance and lost of his grip, the dragon swerved off his hold and grabbed Hijìn with one arm and somehow for it size it moved with such agility it jumped back, spun in the air, then thrusted forward slamming the man into the dirt. Head kicking back hitting the ground as Hijìn held onto the individual fingers and with a simple swipe snapped one of them clean off, was met with the Dragon lifting him up in the same succession slamming him back down into the ground and roaring in his face.

Hijìn unfazed by this simply changed his gritted face of annoyance and frowned, thrusting his arm right and clenching his fist; Dragon noticing this would stop for a second and in mere instances would let him go and leap up in the air, as just above the man all the rubble of their clash and arrival would fly right past them all dragged by Hijìn's strings. Mans instantaneously on his feet again crouched as his head ducked from the dragons tail whipping past his head, dragon about to land from its leap swerved right and threw a full force punch right at his very face. Hijìn's eyes glinting orange for a second he prematurely had his fists clenched, swerved his right foot all the way back kicking back some dust, and shot his fist forward immediately clashing it against the dragons sending a concussive shockwave across the skies. Both pushed back from the sudden impact were met in a small moment of slowed down time, Hijìn's semi-curly hair blowing in the wind gracefully past his face overshadowed his fully widened eyes that stared at the beast ahead of him. Veins and strings bulging around his face he would just part his lips and give a small exhale of cold air out from his lungs as small particles of dust flew past his face he muttered quietly: "This..Reeks..of Sin.."

Just as the Dragon immediately landed it thrusted another punch and Hijìn swerved seeing the arm fly past his head as its armor thrashed against his body, necklace flying around as he grabbed said arm, snapped it inside out causing the Dragon to wail out in pain, then swing the dragon on its side into a hillside on the other side of the plateau. Dragon tumbling on its side gripped the ground with its remaining hands soon planting its feet against the very wall behind it as it looked down and analyzed its snapped arm and missing finger. Without even hesitating it slammed its arm into the ground snapping it back together and is licked the missing finger wound clean then seemed to smirk under its armored pointed head frame before leaping at the man into thin air. Hijìn raising an eyebrow for a second furrowed his brow jumping right as the Dragon reappeared and punched into the ground, man grabbing into a thrusted boulder swung his body round and launched it at the monster only for it to duck its head and dodge.

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