Mother Knows Nothing Except the Truth

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Arc: 2 Chapter: 👁️

Days Prior:

  Far off in the distance from where the chaos ensued there was a disturbance. Leaves being parted as a small troop of ape looking beasts ran as fast as they could, paired with smaller fauna trying their best to escape was met with the occasional silent whisper shimmering through the ruckus. Each animal trying their best to run with all the strength in their bodies was met with the horror running through their minds. Just as a small shrew-like carnivore jumped over a log its life ended immediately as a green jade arrow stabbed its side and pinned it to a tree. Other animals freaking out even more as one by one their bodies began to drop. A hefty stubbed armored creature breathed as heavily as it could as every muscle packed in their armor would go on overtime as it tried to run. Other small animals herding around it as they kept on trying to escape. Trees getting knocked down, small burrowing animals screaming in panic from the sudden chaos, fluffy flying fauna chirping loudly as they flew between swaying animal heads in an attempt to be spared. Moving so swiftly until a large barb would shoot from the forest behind them cloaked in the darkness. Barb larger than a grown man stabbed into the spine of the armored beast, its screaming wails of fear and pain overshadowing all that believed it to be their protector. As it hefty toes dug into the charred soil, it opened its mouth completely yelling in horror as tears began to well up in its eyes before another barb-like hook shot forth and stabbed it right in its left eye and caused blood to splatter everywhere. Small younglings screeching from the sight as their brothers and sisters got coated in the poor creatures blood and juices.

  Grand beast trying its hardest to flee was stabbed in its side as even in its conditions with its organs poking out between its armor it wanted to be free. Until with one final pull it was violently yanked into the forest behind it crushing any fauna in its way before a giant explosion of blood showered all in a deep coat of blood and meat. Armored Ape-like creatures with hefty white bone covering their weak points and face held their young with one arm as they ran with the other five met the same fate, with each one turning to see another family member coated in relatives blood get shot directly right in the back of the head with a arrow instantly killing them. Each little creature tried its best as they attempted to flee, but not a single organism was allowed free passage nor freedom. One by one each animal no matter how fast it fled nor how fast it flew was spared from this forces wrath. One mother ape-like creature hiding behind a tree being crushed underneath the dead body of their once living partner began to panic as they witnessed all other fauna drop like flies around them. A heavily fur coated dove would spring fast then immediately died with its eyes wide open, blood seeping from its eyelids as its last breath escaped its bloodied mouth was all that remained. The forest turned dead silent. The silence giving life to nothing but the rotten flesh building up around them. The mother holding her breath as much as she could as she was expecting very soon, yet as she waited there she just could barely make out the silent footsteps of what caused this.

  Its dark fluffed cloak would slowly walk its way through the dead bodies, its sharp hiss of a deep breath from its gas mask was like a sharp stab in the senses. Crisp smell of decaying flesh was apparent as it walked over to a culled dove and faced down as the arrow caused its body to rapidly melt into mush. The mother panicking was powerless in this scenario, the hunter walking over melting remains grew ever so nearer. Its random hisses of breaths was ever so present with the sharp blast of steam from its frame, sweat pouring down her face made her stagger for a second as she felt a kick within her. The droplet of sweat slowly rolling off her face made the sensation of time nearly come down to a halt, the sphere of salt and water coming off her bony face and towards the ground. Hunter coming ever so closer made the mother dread everything as she slowly watched it fall at the ground. The looming presence, the closeness of death, and the horrid reality of loss built up into one last moment as the droplet quietly hit the ground. The moment the droplet hit the ground a larger member of the mothers family burst from the ground in an attempt to protect her and kill the hunter. Mother screaming in fear as she took the opportunity to flee into the horizons didn't even take a second to look back as the male wanted to make this all right. With the giant male slamming its giant armored fists onto the hunter suddenly made the forest quiet once again. Male looking down with its fists slammed into the ground breathed heavily as it saw that it made a direct impact and crushed them..until..something With a small movement of their arms they opened their eyes in terror as their hands were chopped clean off, its screams halted as the Hunter was on their back and yanked their head up with one hand. A swift strike and a long jade blade stabbed through their armor and between their cheeks locking their jaw in place, male losing its balance tried to knock the hunter off as it could only groan out its agony..only for it to fail.

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