Full force in Red..It wants my..Head~

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Chapter: 5 Arc: 2

Remember your Dreams~?
The ever present scent of crisp meat plastered on a table..no?
Well..you'll notice itself in the next life..

Wake Up.

Buzzing of fluorescent lights. Ever so soft glow..as they flicker above my weary eyes. My head..feels..so..cold- like I don't hav. My eyes opened and I'm back..back where? All Father..if my life truly is this then what can I ever expect. My Head still feels so numb..like someone has been bashing my head with a hammer this whole time, wait- where are the other two?. Hijìn slowly turned around to try and see what could possibly be happening now and all he could see is an empty camp, his casts slowly fell off and turned to the dust floating away in the wind, watching as the small particles slowly moved away with the wind.

  Feeling some semblance of strength he would raise his hands to see what's wrong with him only to notice pools of blood dripping off himself. Eyes widening in shock we felt his face with his bloodied hands and began to panic. His broken body didn't fully recover and in trying to move he only made the pain get worse. The more he tried the more he panicked, 'Why is this happening?! Whose blood is this?! Why do I awake to such sin?!', Hijìn thought as he wanted so dearly to stop until he remembered what happened when he closed his eyes. The endless abyss of Blood..the Darkness of the world, and the never ending sense of dread that could only be described in nightmares is all that could course through his mind. What else was there except the End in his mind, before all that whispered in his mind was: "Appreciating my little gift..Slave~? I knew you'd get Hungry..So I had to make..a Few Stops~"

  Man going feral trying to pry himself open with his bare hands thrashed himself around in pure animalistic desperation trying to make this all STOP! He was slowly losing his mind with this endless filth and horror slapping him back and forth whatever step he took. Going so far to imagine what he ate and just by that alone he gagged so badly he spat out a few chunks of digested meat on the floor..meat that still had pieces of clothing and fur on it. Witnessing that only made him sicker..only to his demise as a small black tentacle wrapped around the piece of meat and shot up trying to force feed him the chunk back. Both hands grappled around the tentacle as the man could barely scream tried his best to hold it back, the sludge and juices of the rotten digested meat dripping on his face as the tentacle forced itself closer and closer to his face.

  The sound of footsteps and talking below made the tentacle instantly retract and throw the chunk of meat in the distance. Hijìn still on edge breathing heavily as he looked all only to see some patches of the same blood covering him was unable to do anything as he was to the whims of whatever wanted to take a bite out of him. Leaves whittled off and sounds of snapping twigs grew closer and closer and it just made the human more on edge, then out from the small patch of leaves at the base of the camp, two familiar ears poked out of the patch- out hopping from the leaves was Kÿr.

Relieved at last to see familiar faces Hijìn would fall back and breath a fresh air of peace once again, Kÿr shot forward holding a basket of fruits and fat fish-like creatures with a big grin on his face. "You're finally awake! Ya lookin better already- Ooh check this out, Hèra (Hèr' La, Kÿr always pronounces things differently), showed me all of these cool and edible things that this place has to offer..". The small cat said with joy as he grabbed one of the fat fish-like creatures from the basket and started ripping it to shreds like a feral animal, but with this commodity, the sensation of discomfort appeared again and to his expectations, she followed suit. Hèr' La climbed up after a few moments, also having a basket in her hand as she ascended, seeing Hijìn better off she would smile.. only feeling something is off as she focused on him more, immediately taking notice to some new blood stains. While Kÿr was busy munching down on the food collected, Hèr' La would put the things down quickly and place her hand on his shoulder looking up at him. "S-sit down.. Hijìn, do you feel okay- I can sense your blood pressure is up and I feel that something happened or you felt something.. I need to make sure you're okay?! Where did this blood come from?". Although she was someone he couldn't even put a single ounce of trust into Hijìn complied, getting down slowly he jittered for a moment still uncomfortable from her touch, but soon enough he was down and facing away from Hèr' La.

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