Recollecting the Start of the Tribulation

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Chapter: 34 Arc: 3 

(Just before the start of Arc 4)

Last Night:

The small settlement of a camp was met with very far and between rebuilding attempts as the large sizes of the automatons made making comfortable spaces more inconvenient. Followed on by IT and THEM, working's as if what's the reasoning of your placement in all this. Beyond the visions from when you met THEM, that being shimmering in near divine white light, six eyes that peered beyond the very soul, and the reality destroying power around them, what else could be out there..and why did it feel like...they let you escape. What could stop them? There was no way that sacrificial person they dragged by their hair would've been able to do anything- something isn't's as if they're meddling with us..making us waste time in these endeavors. Since the rain isn't supposed to drop..yet it's glistening form wobbles it's way down onto the ground, what else is for me in these wastes of a world. Even then...that Moth, it stares at me..did a hole into my mind...making me see...some unknown truth!? Or did it simply reawaken something buried deep within my mind..I will find out....

Small campsite at the landing spot in the city being unable to garner as many people would be met with only a handful of citizen stragglers who all stayed in small pocketed camps around the center. A. N. I stabbing giant metal beams in the ground for temporary foundations would cause everything around it to shake violently, with small varied colored liquidators trembling down to their core after what they just experienced scurrying to their shelters to stay safe. Rimi with their hair all over the place would walk down over to a large fitted couch and cross their legs staring down at their laptop. Many screens all showing recovered footage from the carnage prior, citizens recording the scene just before the destruction caught up to them. With only mere millisecond glimpses at the two who were running away from the carnage, Rimi would be unable to do anything in this instance as they tried running numbers in order to calculate the casualty rate.

Footsteps clicking on the cement foundation, Xèhtrï walked over stretching their back as they had just come back from healing a few citizens with their superior genetic manipulation, would glance down at Rimi sitting down at the couch and approach still stretching. Rimi glancing up at the parasite would comment in a monotone voice, "I'm in no mood for messing around, I'm checking the important information at the moment, might not even be able to sleep since I will have to salvage a ship to send you off tomorrow." Xèhtrï jerking right to left stretching their back would say in a groan as they finished, "Nah..I'm not in the mood either, some of these people have very weird biological makeups, shame they are so traumatized..would make it easier for me if they were relaxed-", before standing right by the couch looking all about seeing some final remaining people come from the darkness seeking aid. "So what you're saying is that you function better with happier people? Hmn?" Rimi beckoned glaring up at Xèhtrï while facing down at the screen with red glowing eyes

" I've lived constantly in horrible situations, just a bit different I guess..sure they're shaken up, but negativity is sorta the key..don't know how to describe it" Xèhtrï said in response blatantly not seeing the red eyes till they turned and Rimi went back to yellow eyes staring down at the laptop screen. Quickly typing as the sounds of clicking keys rang in the still air, protective dome protecting the now destroyed city waned here and there as it revealed the darkness of the outside world caught Xèhtrï's eyes as they slightly chirped underneath their deep breaths as if intrigued by it, was hit with a more somber direct question from the cyborg who's typing slowed down drastically making them turn to them immediately. "Hey Z...on that topic of situations, you wouldn't mind me asking where you actually come from? Like..why are you the way you are?", Rimi finished off by closing the laptop on their lap and looking up at them.

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