Slinked tired rims scrapping at the remains of Broken Lives

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Chapter: 16 Arc: 3 

(Author Note: There have been many changes in the story especially in the last few since "technical" chapter 50! Regardless I hope you still enjoy what's soon to come as big stuff is on the horizon. If you enjoy Far Away Soul, White Cold Star 💫 don't forget to vote/save to library/ect! to support it and get it out there, with my lil ramble aside enjoy yourselves!)

Gentle feeling of soft warm hands cupping your cheek in your sleep allow you to settle in a bit better, messy brown hair covering most of your face as that same feeling moves and begins twirling it's fingers in between your curls, slowly swirling their finger in the messy strands covering those eyes. Sniffling a bit your mind takes notice to a weight pressing down on your lap as well as the vibration of the world around you against your head, it's so comfortable..Hmn, can't bring yourself to even wake up from this deep comforting well needed. Their soft body was so snuggled up against you it was only right to hold them in this relaxed place, muffled words ringing past your consciousness what was there to truly worry about eh who'd care, moving your head away from the hard cold wall and onto the feeling present ahead of you as you planted your head on what seemed to be something fluffy and warm. Moving your head around a bit you smell something slightly wet, sniffling a few times the feeling remained and at this point the rest was ruined- wincing at the fluorescent lights up above you hear the heavy footsteps of that mechanical monster in the nearby area, but taking it as it is you slowly open those exhausted eyes of yours to see nothing except hot pink fluffy hair on your face. Realizing what was going on you gently move back noticing now you're under the main desk pressed against the window from the night prior, shimming back till your head hit the underside of the desk making some noise while causing a pen to roll and hit the ground you hear the quieted mumbling of the person on top of you.

Head snuggled up against your chest, arms limp to their sides, slightly drooling, and ethereal thighs nearly wrapped around you, Whistèriä was completely knocked out sleeping on your torso. Looking around in some levels of awkwardness the two of you are practically completely hidden underneath the desk with the large spiral chair blocking the two of your faces, trying to see what you could do you feel Whistèriä shimmy in her sleep nuzzling her face against your chest- 'Shi..was this really necessary..d..No I guess we slept after last night and now look where we are, maybe she moved us but I don't recall sleeping with her especially in this position..did she? The fuck nah Tch nah..let's just get outta he-', your thoughts were cut off by a extremely loud mechanical screech echoing in the room followed by metallic crashing sounds. Before you could even react the whole desk was lifted in the air over the two of your heads sending a massive flash of light into your eyes making you wince away from the burning sight, overshadowed by the illumination the voice yelled out in frustration: "Found y- THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Trying to fornicate with the Siren are you MAD?!", finally settling in with the bright light you put your hand over your brow to look up only to see A. N. I staring down at you in mere confusion as to what the hell was going on. Groaning in annoyance you respond with attitude: "No dumbass we were just Uhm..cuddling? Is that a word? Yeah cuddling for warmth", "You do realize..24-34 that this whole facility is a nice cool 70 degrees Fahrenheit? There is literally no reason to do this idiotic tendencies such as cuddling especially with that vile little gobl-". A. N. I quickly picked the two of them up with smaller arms that came from its side while still having the desk in the air with one of its main arms, Whistèriä dangled in their grasp still asleep as her head dangled down as the bit of drool finally fell from her lip and hit A. N. I's leg making it completely freak out and drop the desk on the ground with a loud crashing sound as well as the two in its grasp.

  Bouncing from how hard you hit the ground you hold your shoulder in pain hissing in irritation as you looked over to witness A. N. I quickly rush to wipe their knee off from Whistèriä's saliva as fast as possible in almost a display of disgust and cleanliness. Snickering at the sight as they slam their back into as many things as possible making too much noise you hear a back door hiss open and two footsteps to come forth into the room, Rimi on the phone with someone was snickering to themselves from something they heard until they looked ahead and saw the sight quietly saying to the individual on the line, "call you back later", before tapping the side of her temple and yelling out in frustration: "Are you Fuckin serious?! ANI STOP!" A. N. I standing on one foot glanced over and paused on the dime as everything around them was again smashed into little pieces on the floor from how heavy they were. Rimi picking up any small thing they could dropped it all the moment they saw their desk muddled into nothing but a pile of metal and computer parts, falling down to their knees they picked up some of the pieces crushing them in their grip while gritting their teeth- A. N. I walked over some small things crushing them some more as they approached having their hands together awkwardly asking: "I- um Rimi was W-", Rimi let the pieces gently tumble to the floor as their head hung, A. N. I slowly backing up sensed the heavy weight of their mistake get worse as Rimi slowly turned their head at them with laser pointed red eyes piercing the darkness muttering out in a quiet raspy aggravated tone of voice: "So help my parents..who built you..- if you..don't get out of my the next 3're gonna find out why I own this Fuckin got that? Good." A. N. I standing there having shrunk to their smallest size tapped the tips of their index claws together facing them awkwardly saying out to you: "That Uh..Reminds me! Uhm..Hijìn! We have a chore to do...OUTside! Bye!", they whispered out before quickly snatching your splayed body from the ground and proceed to run out of the room as fast as possible slamming the door behind them so hard it made a ceiling light fall right down by Rimi smashing into a million pieces.

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