Shortened Seas..How Long will it take..

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Chapter: 4 Arc: 3 
(Authors Note: I will never stop making this story sadder and more depressing..end goal was suffering..I'll make it a reality)

Damage has absorbed a good chunk of your energy while autopilot leads you on the straight forward path, gusts of water vapor shoot into the air in the distance..what could that be? He hasn't been gone long..but we still do worry. Don't feel like myself not anymore...or am I lying..lying once again to feel sane? So much needs to be done and the time I have left I feel the dread growing nearer. She won't care for my thoughts or my opinions..she's torn mentally and physically to be a slave I'd imagine..just like me...issue is she will never understand..she never does..
I may have spoken your name once..and I may never speak it again..but I shall keep it buried deep in my mind as a memory of all the failures I've committed against the lives of this very world I call home..

Forgone..we grow the truth..and one step the end.

  Turbulence ringing in everyone's minds it's all put down to crawl with the realization that everything is gonna be okay, for now it seems, but the successful passing of the first challenge of possible many fills you with hope. Labored breathing of those remaining alive in the craft reawaken from their stress filled slumber. Pale clouds rolling in the sky overhead, gentle calm seas passing by in all directions, shots of water vapor springing into the air far off in the distance going in the same direction you are. Creeping your hand from the dashboard you lay back in your seat filthy from all the bloodshed wrought from the combat just concluded, looking over you see her..staring off into the horizon she exhales gently before walking out of the room. Each step weighing heavily down on the hardwood floor, creaking emanating around the bend as she locks herself in the sleeping cabin...all..alone. Glancing to your right you notice a small little wrapped package, leaf like, and tied together with a small string, you hop down to pick it up unaware of what's in store. Sitting on your knees you gently unwrap the package, each small leaf carefully folding back till you notice a package in the middle, clicking it open you see a strange dull colored cream-like substance with a letter on the lid of the package saying, 'I don't want..I- Heal your hand, you don't have to if you don't wanna accept something from me..I'd understand it completely. I'll be..resting.. -Vìrkä'. Putting the lid down you stick your finger in the substance before passing it over your injured arm and hand. Miraculously it begins to heal at an alarming rate, the sense of loss in energy levels alerts you, but it wasn't too long until you were spotless from all known they'd put it..

"Why..did she leave that here..could it be for me?..Way she wrote it it's a definite yeah..such a dumbass.."

  Click of a door closing and Vìrkä stepped into the darkness of the sleeping quarters, cold wind coming from a small portable unit along with the pipes filled with engine coolant held right under the room made the room drop to near freezing temperatures. She did not shiver, not even quake at the cold biting at her fingertips, eyes glowing a soft gray glow she looked around the room while standing at the entrance of the room only to find no one else. Arms crossed she raised her shoulder as she exhaled a cold breath, faint frozen air coming from her mouth as she yawned quietly revealing all of her serrated teeth and dark colored tongue. Mouth closed she limped her way towards the largest bed and collapsed headfirst into it slightly bouncing as she landed, gripping the bed sheets she wrapped herself in them cocooning in the covers, eyes faintly glowing from her ever so tiring mind she muttered quietly, "I-I..can't sleep..M-must..heal..only..relax..", she shivered underneath her own skin as her mind began to succumb to her fatigue even though she was trying her hardest to not fall asleep..odd. Yet, even with her tribulations she soon fell asleep, darkness of the room ending in silence from those who struggle..and now drift deep into their own slumber..into a land of dreams..and mistakes presented as your nightmares..

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