Enslaved and Given New Life

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Chapter: 9 Arc: 3 
For a first experience this isn't the worst..dainty floors and sludge filled corridors aren't the most terrible thing I've ever seen.
Who has made this horrid sights..and why..
They all suffer and for what? Can't anything live with any level of happiness?
Must the strong always prey on the weak..?
Melded bone of Flesh and Metal..born by the experiments of many..
Who owns this city and why does it feel so strange..we ask so much yet answer so little..
I'm not giving in..I can't..they need me..
You can't fight alone for so long you need help!

Hard metallic banging from inside a caged prison in a dark abyssal room filled with nothing but empty remnants of life. The walls covered in seeping vines and floor muddled with pools of a strange fluid unknown to your very eyes, sounds of dripping hitting the floors, and distant sounds of movement ring in your ears as you try to escape. Banging getting so powerful the outside sheet of your cage begins to bend and fold to your will..getting weaker with each powerful blow dealt to its hardened frame. A metallic screech and the door came flying off scratching against the tiled floors cementing your entry to this strange place, ripping your worn down body through the cracks and looking out to an abyss of darkness coming your way. Fearless..you pry their pain away..and step into the eye of the void..never more caring for what happens next..

  Hijìn's fist blasting the thick metal sliding door off its hinge as the carriage rested on its side flew off banging on the walls in the room before screeching down to a halt, jumping out he scanned the room they were in only to witness a slow closing metal frame close the large hole they made behind them shut tight. Water droplet falling from the damp ceiling hitting the top of his nose made Hijìn flinch in discomfort taking a moment to glance around at the dark room and back down at the opening he made in the metal carriage to the others looking up at him waiting, awaiting a signal of safety. Wiping his face with his forearm Hijìn leaned down and quickly pulled Kÿr and Vìrkä from the inside of the carriage setting them down on the side of it; Kÿr scuffling his hair harshly in frustration looked all around at the darkness looming around them and grew anxious saying, "This..O-oOh this..this some creepy shit I am not here for creepy dark hallway shit right now," he said jolting at the feeling of a water droplet hitting his head and quickly clinging to Hijìn's leg in a panic, Hijìn sighing looked around unsure of where to go since he saw a lack of doors while there was still some light from outside illuminating the inside took it upon himself to hop off the carriage with a heavy step dragging the small Sìrlan with him. "AaAgG-," a small shout from Kÿr echoing out into the long hallway ahead as the Sìrlan busted their butt on the floor after not being able to see the drop, Hijìn quickly turning around picking the Sìrlan up in some concern turned back to question something only to witness Vìrkä seated legs crossed hunched over softly illuminating her body with those bioluminescent markings softly lighting up a small area around her.

  Shining lights almost like diamonds in the sky glisten in your eyes as you watch this trail of lights climbs up her body till it reaches her head making her sparkle a pulsing faded green light, small Sìrlan clinging onto you in a panicked state grew uneased by the lights slow repeating glows as its green-ish white light illuminated their face. Vìrkä calmly looking up to face them awkwardly smiled brushing two long strands of hair on both sides of her cheek behind her long droopy elf-like ears, "Sorry..I- Uh..had to quell the screams..deep breaths always worked to calm the mind..let's find out where we are! My sights still messed up but maybe with what they broadcasted we may find other civilians," Vìrkä said hopping off the carriage in front of them and walking towards the darkness. Kÿr looking up at you confused as you stare at her walking off smacked your cheek a few times saying, "Hey idiot..we should maybe follow her- have no idea how hard it is to clean this fur buddy just letting you know..", Hijìn clearing his throat nodded a few times and took the chance to allow Kÿr to sit on his shoulder as they walked after the strange glowing woman.

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