Forgone may he Remember Me..

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Chapter: 1 Arc: 1 
There was once a little Angel which fell from Heaven. Casted down by his own childlike ignorance he flew about the worlds, discovering all the beauty there is to behold for all mortal kind to see. Traveling amongst the stars the small Angel graced many with his love and with much of mortal kind they sought to taint it. The Angels father, wrought with fear of his sons demise, rained hellfire across the universe wiping out anyone in his path in search of his son. The little Angels innocence getting the better of him let him fall into the hands of strong mortal kinds which saw him as nothing else but a sacrifice, the father oh so late could only travel so far until he saw the very end. Those powerful mortals lashed and tore at the Angels skin and wings, plucking him of his grace until he was a bleak..little..white..Star, and in his dying breaths before the end the boy looked up at the beautiful night sky and prayed for love. The sword struck his chest and it all came to an end, the universe perished with him..and all love died that day..
Forgone my Son.. H-.."

  "That was the last thing I heard from my father since last we met

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"That was the last thing I heard from my father since last we has been so long since last I'd seen him, he was sick and I was overwhelmed with fear that something was to happen- his skin seemed to get wrinkly incredibly fast as he grew worse and worse. Praying for me to stay I ran..Like a coward, I-I couldn't bring myself to watch him slowly fade away I wanted to be the foundation he can rest upon in his old age, trusting one another so we can live long happy lives.. as F-.. Mn... nothing-"

Rang the thoughts of a certain individual, in this white expanse of never ending sand remained only one, a boy, standing by himself on top of a massive sand dune which reached high into the clouds. Soft brown dirtied hair blowing in all directions from the incoming wind the boy stood there staring out into the empty expanse, wind blowing his hair away revealing a peculiar left eye, it seemed to be faded almost as if blind. He hadn't made a single sound as the blowing of fast winds was all he could be surrounded by, red scarf blowing harshly in the wind he would reach behind his back and pull out a large patched together board. The board being held together by tree resin and black leather-like material. Turning it left and right to check it's condition in this harsh environment he would place it on the ground as if trying to board down the side of this massive sand dune, and in that same instance with a flick of his wrist he would barrel down the side of it at incredible speeds.

Although it was a makeshift board it served its purpose in use, being his only mode of transport around these never ending sand dunes the boy would travel in any direction aimlessly as if seeking for something that wasn't even there. Sound of wood scrapping against sandpaper ringing in his ears as he crouched while boarding, sand trail blowing far off in the direction of the wind as he soon went on and on and on. His mind empty he took it upon himself to try and find someplace to stay, for it has been many cycles since he has been at home, since he has...let's just..find something first I'm starving..

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