"You've Remembered Me..'

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Chapter: 10 Arc: 2
You've broken ties..for now it seems, who could I question no other than myself for my actions- Fate punishes so severely for your mistakes, only a child could go so far in such slip ups it's a miracle you've even lasted this long. Long as I can breathe..I'll make sure that I fulfill my own promises not letting this world consume me..to not let the voices consume me.. I'm coming for you..Fate-

The silence of the forest was broken up by the mechanical fading of Kÿr's pistols, the feline taking a step back hesitantly looking at the other two wondering what is actually going on, "Whoa whoa whoa- no no no no no..they kidnapped you and me once I don't want anything to do with them..they can stay mute n crap away from me that's for sure". The elder hearing this stepped forward moving its hand up, runic symbols forming on his palm as he lifted it till it was facing Kÿr, the elder was about to use a technique before Hijìn moved over and pushed the hand down looking at the elder with a annoyed look on his face, "No..", Hijìn blurted out as he walked over to Kÿr letting the Elders hand fall back down to its side. The cat holding the back of his head would look up at the man who crouched down to meet his level, "Look Hijàan..I get it that you have some weird connection, but maybe we should wait for Hèr'La? Maybe she could give us the answers your truly looking for no?", Kÿr suggested with a unsure look on his face trying not to look over Hijìn's shoulder to see the Elder.

  Hijìn sighed glancing back to the Elder over his shoulder then back to his friend, "Me..me don't know- Me..", Hijìn growled hitting himself in the head with his right hand in annoyance getting tired of being unable to speak properly. Kÿr stepping in and holding his hand back from hitting himself, with some annoyance and literally nothing better to do since this large idiot is really commited to this, he would drop his arms to his side and groan swiping his hands left to right letting go of Hijìn's arm. "Fine Fine- Screw it I'd rather deal with mute mutts then parasite filled monsters in the darkness..not like I have any other choice", Hijìn growing a small smile on his face would immediately stop when Kÿr yanked on his arm to meet eye levels again, "But..the moment things get ritualistic, bloody, or even sacrificial I am leaving- got that? I'm not running away from crap again just because something went wrong..", Kÿr snarled out in frustration as his face scrunched up in irritation. Hijìn making a fist and softly tapping the felines chest with it in a playful manner, "I..Pr-omise", Kÿr seeing this would sigh, smacking the top of Hijìn's forehead letting him go.

Standing back up the man would turn around to face the elder, Kÿr not far behind tracking with the man unsure of what to think as in his eyes the elder always had this strange presence around him, but before any words could be shared Hijìn would raise both hands to his chest and move his hands in strange movements. Kÿr glanced at him and rose an eyebrow trying to figure out what that could possibly mean, except the Elders facial expression lit up a bit in what seemed to be surprise from seeing such a display. Moving their hands in the same movements the two would communicate in their own secretive sign language, getting faster until the two stopped by planting their clenched fist on their chest- Hijìn caught his breath for a second as a drop of sweat rolled down his cheek and he smiled, "H-he..speak like me..". The Elder breaking forth approached the man, the man on alert as Kÿr watched in shock moving back saw as they awkwardly sniffled him around the neck and chest before quickly springing back and huffing out in shock signing, (I'll be using only italicized for sign language communication), 'You smell of us..you smell of our family but seem alien in my eyes- how could this be?! Who or what are you?', the elder finishing signing with a hand extended out to his cheek.

Sight of sympathy and absence of loss the man would sign back, 'My name is Hijìn..only son of Aba', only that the Elder would simply scoff in thought trying to see the connection in all of this. They did not know of any Aba, only members of their own accord, but the strangest thing was..their scent was familiar..a little too familiar. Kÿr scooting over would sit in between the two hecken titians moving his head left and right between each one who converses, trying his best to knit pick each movement to try and lock it down only to fail in replicating it, "The heck is up with these signs anyways..just learn to speak-..", Kÿr mumbled under his breath in annoyance seeing this as something he should be able to do easily but something with his own body just couldn't replicate it. 'It seems you may truly be one of us..you smell identical to us, can speak our tongue, and in your greatest display have been able to harness our awakening technique perfect to none..we must head home..', the elder signed, being truly taken back by how incredible this man actually was and how close to perfect he was in communication- only his kind can speak this language and almost no one understands it except them...and then comes Hijìn, the anomaly of his own kind who looks nothing like them yet could be sensed to have their burning soul within himself.

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