Lustful Corpses..Melded Bodies to Tc-

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Chapter: 13 Arc: 3 

Walking inside you see the array of platforms reaching up into the limelight above, dancing lights, dozens of individuals in every corner fornicating in the open completely ignorant to the innocent eyes pried on their bodies. Whimpering of lips as peoples bodies interlocked and moved rhythmically to the booming music of the club floor, she gripped your arm as you made your way deeper into this madness. The youngling squeezing through melded bodies taking this all in and growing excited, their young mind and old body couldn't understand what all these pheromones of lust in the air meant and in their confusion they lost themselves in the crowds often. Your hazed green eye scans around the room as you move further and further in till it wasn't long and you were mixed in the fray..

Grown closer and closer to Me..

All those similar people you've seen outside have taken their time to grow into mode within these dark walls, the club was fairly dark with the occasional laser show blaring all around you stinging at your eyes occasionally. Eyes fixated on the gripping of these individuals moving strangely amongst each other almost sensually enough it sent you in a strange spiral of's tied with the pain...Xèhtrï wasn't holding up too well and was taking its beatings upon its hosts internal organs bit by bit. Kÿr jumping over someone's thigh watched all around at all the people dancing and grew attentive to this trying to do the same things as they do only to Vìrkä's dismay as she gripped onto Hijìn's arm in disgust to the sight she's seeing. Vìrkä's body tensing up as she saw people making love all around her on couches, seats, against walls, quite literally anywhere and everywhere and it made her well as a little interested. The intensity of some of these individuals ripping into one another caught her eye and it made her question her own body a bit, 'The Fuck..They..They don't stop..does it..hurt them? Do..No! No..control yourself..this is what Drauker told's this damn's..captivating..~', ran through her thoughts as she dug her nails slightly into the man's forearm. On the other hand, Hijìn winced in discomfort from the woman's gripping taking notice to her slowly losing her focus on the pleasure enveloping them from all angles, growing tired of this strange behavior he grabbed and shoved someone's head away from him the moment they laid it against him slobbering from intoxication. Loss of communication made him more frustrated as his only help within was out for the count while hurting him immensely from inside so bad that it made him spit out blood from time to time on the dance floor, the tiles of the dance floor just like the roads bumped up individually knocking those who aren't accustomed to this tumble around from time to time.

This place had no value, it was a cesspool of filth that from what he heard from his surrogate father was something he must avoid at all times, breeding is a important part of life...not something you just do for has..purpose. Thought Hijìn while he broke his way through the people fucking in the center of the dance floor, the man's brow burrowed and eye focused he went on not caring for any petty details as the they were completely surrounded fairly quickly. Tense feeling on his forearm made him look down only to see Vìrkä wrapping her arms around the man's arm wincing in discomfort from the mental manipulation taking place as they walked ahead, quickly turning around in an attempt to comfort her someone went out of their way to pass their hand up Vìrkä's ass wanting an attempt to fornicate with her as well and Hijìn didn't take it lightly at all. Vìrkä turned around trying to retaliate to the perversion was outpaced by Hijìn bursting forward and snapping that woman's wrist into pieces with one clench of his hand. The crazed woman screaming on the floor holding their hand was muffled by the song ringing in everyone's ear while the two walked away, Vìrkä gripping onto Hijìn's chest mumbled to him: "I-I could've handled it..Yknow..", Hijìn couldn't respond so the only thing he did was grab the top of her head and press it against his chest holding her while they moved on, Vìrkä scoffing in some annoyance rolled her eyes to the physical interaction but somehow found herself enjoying the somber feeling of being embraced by Hijìn once more.

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