We've all gone..down below..

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Chapter: 5 Arc: 3 

Soft warm touch kissing your shoulder just this once made a fuzzy feeling prickle in your scalp for the time it caressed you, like a loving embrace your filled with acceptance..you've got much more to travel but even now with your lifetimes expended you have much to experience. Love. Gone down the darkened path and escaped of the world once known they shall put their trust in you..and yours with them. It shall always be unconditional..for that speaks the most truth..so be happy..we've got so much to accomplish and your torturous awakening of those latent abilities shall evolve beyond everything anyone has ever imagined. Tremble in His love..for their will be none like it..
For only a fool..shall ignore it..and only She will try to oppose it..
Stay Strong..this wonderful expanse filled with suffering and tribulations..will be tempered by your..

  The calmness of the seas engulfs you in that warmth, we feel..warmth..again, and the absence of such trauma ringing in your mind can finally let you breathe a breath of fresh air. Your hair gently blowing in the sea breeze makes you look back at it all now. Killed so many and now we travel beyond our sheltered island of shame into a brand new world we only dreamed of traveling together. Itching in your scalp makes you scratch at your head a while, but as you digest everything around you giving feeling in your skin all you can witness is two fools playing around after such a time apart. Their roughhousing on the ships deck like children warms your heart..maybe things can't be so bad, such as one tripping and stumbling on their behind causing you to smile before putting a hand over your mouth and quietly laugh to yourself as to what had just happened. Eyes glowing a purer white than ever before..reminisce..and live on..

  The large brute laying on his back while his companion stood on his chest looking strong would awkwardly laugh to himself getting only a glance of each others eyes locking together in that moment. The little one standing tall boasted out a hearty smile as they said, "Haha! You fool! You've underestimated my small frame and now you've been defeated! I Kÿr! Am the true strong champion here!", he was kicked off by the brute beneath him and off to the side still laughing in victory after throwing both clenched fists in the air now resting on his back. Hijìn swinging himself up to a seated posture ruffled his hair a bit with his two hands still having a small smile across his face would plant both hands down on the ground as he hopped up to his feet. Vìrkä now leaned to her side as she sat down watched him get up and help his little friend back up to his feet said, "You two better watch it- you fighting like that is gonna lead to one of you getting thrown off board", Kÿr waving his index finger left and right signaling no faced her saying in response, "No No No- None of that..not unless you can beat the champion which..Is Muah!", Kÿr finished by patting his chest once with both hands and firmly planting both fists on his sides. Vìrkä raising her eyebrows in sarcasm responded, "Ohhhh wowwww..such a strong burly Sìrlan, what could such a frail pathetic lifeform such as I do in your majesty", Kÿr crossing his arms cockily jerked his head to the right and smirked saying, "Oh Really? Then prove I-. AGH", Kÿr couldn't even finish his sentence and he was already in a headlock.

  "A-AaaGHCK!! H-HIjIn SAve Me! AGGHHCKKK!!!!", Kÿr screamed out as best he could while Vìrkä somehow appeared right behind him wrapping her legs around him, arms around his neck, and her face leaned back smiling holding back a laugh from the struggling little critter. Hijìn stepping back surprised she even did that so fast recalled when she did that against him before when they fought a second time, strangely enough it is like she has some form of time slowing down or even stopping ability in her arsenal..or is it we're so slow we can't track her movements, shut up please. A small popping sound echoed from within Vìrkä's grasp, "Say Mercy!" She teased at the struggling Sìrlan who yelled out begging for help yet not wanting to yield, in a raspy voice he said trying to catch a breath, "n-Neverrrr!", Vìrkä chuckling out in a playful tone increased her squeezing strength crushing the small Sìrlan to a little play toy. "Say Merrrcyyy~", "AaAaaaaaaaagghhhhhhhh...N-n-n-NeVER!", the two went on with Hijìn watching from a safe distance unsure of wether or not to help his friend or to run into the safety of the bedrooms was met with Vìrkä's eyes glaring at him warning him that he's in the danger zone for her next target. Kÿr out for the count slumped over was soon released by Vìrkä who let him rest on the ground, looking down at him she commented, "Huh..Little Hybrid has more spunk than I imagined- really did seem like he would've croaked way sooner....Now..unto bigger targets", she said quickly glancing at the man with a smirk who instantly sprinted off towards the back end of the boat not been letting a second pass by.

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