Tch..Im Tired..

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Chapter: 5 Arc: 1 

  A few hours had passed since the initial events and the two-lay frozen by one another, Rajòz striking far off in the distance around the epicenter of this all. Hijìn's body twitched every so often as if his nerves were firing off in his body with each passing second. Kÿr lay there jolting with every strike as he faced out towards the horizon, eye poking out from his jacket he hid once again when one hit close. He was lost in his thoughts, trying to piece together how this could have gone way better or maybe how this could have been avoided in its entirety. 'What if I shot the darkness in the sky? No that wouldn't work it isn't alive.. what if I used a big blast to redirect the Rajòz? Wait I'm sure it's also energy so it'd just add up? I- I just don't know.. I've never been in a situation like this before..' Kÿr thought to himself as the wind blew strong making his fur go in all directions.

  From the green glow in the distance came a deep rumbling, and that rumbling slowly grew and grew as it crossed the desert plains until it reached the two. Kÿr sitting up wiped his distraught face with his jacket sleeve only to face the source, only to be met with a shockwave-induced roar far off in the distance. It blew him back, making Kÿr tumble over Hijìn's seemingly normal-looking body. He slipped and grabbed onto his friend only to feel an odd coldness, Hijìn's veins were bulging out a bit, but his body felt incredibly cold, it twitched.. and twitched and twitched, until out of nowhere his left eye had opened. His left eye was completely black unlike the clear blue blind eye it was prior, Kÿr jumped back scared out of his mind thinking something is completely wrong, until Hijìn's arm shot out and grabbed Kÿr by the collar. "Sh-" he couldn't finish his statement until he was face to face with this strange feeling from before "Wh.. what happened to you..-" he asked growing even more scared already, especially after what he witnessed prior.

  Hijìn was now miraculously standing still holding Kÿr by the collar but not forcibly as if he was gentle. His veins bulged out but seemed dark, as if they weren't filled with blood this time but with something different, the boy stared blankly at the feline for what seemed like an eternity not muttering a word. "K-Ÿr..u" escaped the boy's lips before he let the feline down gently on the ground. The feline not taking this well and stepping back "Hijaàn y-your like a zombie?! What happened to you.. where are all your burns..? How are you even standing?!" Kÿr exclaimed believing his friend was dead until at the corner of his eye he saw a strange black creature slithering in the distance.

  Hijìn's head turned instantly and faced the creature, before Kÿr could even react the boy was already stepping down on it staring down with his cold darkened eyes wide open. The creature screeched out in pain as Hijìn put almost all his weight into the step, crunching coming from the creature getting squished slowly. Kÿr ran over only to see it was a strangle black and red spotted tentacle, before he could get close Hijìn held his hand behind him muttering "Da-ngEr..", he couldn't believe the boy was even saying more than one word, he couldn't even mutter his name and now he was speaking more words, especially words he's never said or heard up till this point.

  Walking in a circle around the same distance, Kÿr slightly opened his eyes wincing from the pain but he managed to see it better. "I-it's that giant monster's tentacle thing! So it isn't dead?!" Kÿr exclaimed out in shock before immediately forming a pistol in his hand and aiming it at the tentacle, metallic particles flowing around him as the pistol charged up a lethal shot. Hijìn stayed staring down at the tentacle which writhed in all directions until it began to utter things in a strange language secretly to Hijìn, the boy listening in would say as best he could what was said while still having that blank expression on his face "Mre com.. jUst Ca you bEat u nw.. cm bak n kIll you.. with Even More Power..". The cat shivered from the message being shaken up but seeing it as enough he rubbed his forehead in annoyance, sending a whole magazine into the tentacle.

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