Lurking Inside..Tear the World Asunder & Die..

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Chapter: 6 Arc: 3 
Wet footsteps travel one by one down the halls, it checks every corner, every inch of the ship to make sure everyone is on board. It knows of our trespassing before and the actions we did with those who inhabit these dead waters..seemingly haunting those who stray to near to the truth. Feeling of your soul getting gently dragged below begin to haunt your consciousness, only thing keeping you from waking is the sense that if you turn around and open your eyes you will be met with those same beady yellow eyes filled with the desire to eat you alive.
Wet trails mark the walls..seemingly something fact someone has been aboard while everyone was asleep. A struggle in your dreams again keep you wanting to escape- regardless of what we do the haunting dreams never stop..
Skinny webbed hands Inching over the covers towards your face settle in with the horror that you aren't alone..
May this final test give us the mettle to push on..for they wont spare a single action in getting what they want..
Good luck little Hybrid, Run till your head falls of you Parasite, and Sutter you ugly Pest..

  The feeling growing ever more in your slumbering body while you dream of thoughts unimaginable shatter your spirit, the feeling of water dripping down your cheek to the pillow you rest upon makes you open your eyes and turn around instantly. Silver eyes locked in place with those wide soulless yellow eyes of somber spirits you jerk back in fear only for those wet scaly wet hands to crawl up and over your cheek cupping it, their face, blackened with darkness seemed to faze in and out of reality as it drew near. Stuttering in your breaths you tried your best to move but you were paralyzed, your body didn't want to were no longer in control- a sharp teethed grin ripped its way across this things face cheek to cheek, short curly hair floating in all directions, and droplets of water falling from it all around you, all you could hear were distant echoing rasped giggles coming at you from all angles. It's sharp toothed grin slowly began to open, inch by inch till its deformed mouth dislocated its lower jaw making all you could see was a black void, shadows casting over you as your paralyzed body was vulnerable to this things descending maw. Closed- N Silence..

  Vìrkä shot out of her bed waking up with sweat pouring down her forehead looking all around quickly thinking she was imagining things in her sleep..until she passed her hand along side her bed. Her bed was completely soaked all over by a strange mucus like substance similar to sea water, jumping out of the bed she noticed trails of this same liquid covering the floors leading into everyone's beds, in fear she ran and kicked the door of the bedroom open breaking it off to witness a turn for the worst. Around them comets from space whistled past them striking then blowing up underwater, those large sea creatures from the night prior hardened up their shells protecting their islands from the hellfire and began charging at full speed ahead wanting to avoid getting hit, waves rose up hundreds of feet into the air then collapsed into rippling explosions of water vapor, and it was raining so hard it seemed to be hailing, the sea was in full turbulence and yet everyone was asleep without even knowing what was going on. Hijìn running out of the room saw the scene and quickly yelled out for Kÿr to wake, but to his dismay the Sìrlan was completely out cold. Running to him he shook the Sìrlan over and over trying to make them wake only to notice unique deep scratch marks along his face and chest which bled allot, "VÌRKÄ! KŸR'S BLEEDING!!", Hijìn yelled our in fear picking up the small one who's blood ran cold and was covered in the strange mucus like water which dotted the ship. "What?!", Vìrkä yelled back just to see the man facing her with a mortified look on his face carrying his small companion in his arms covered in blood, "O-oh..All Father, Give him to me NOW!", She said rushing to him taking the small Sìrlan in her arms and running into the command center.

  Time had begun to slow down for everyone else but her and the Sìrlan whom rested in her arms, closing her eyes she focused for a brief second before she split in two then popped a clone out from the separated part. She faced the clone who already knew what to do and left them with the Sìrlan, "Bring him back..You know what I must do", "Yes..First One", the clone responded as time began anew and original Vìrkä was already in the front of the ship. Hijìn saw the clone attaching small tentacle-like vines into Kÿr slowly healing him with her energy and he sat with her unaware she was the clone watching over the process, "Will..Will he be okay?", his raspiness coming back from the sheer worry he's in at this very moment, the clone only able to nod slowly as it stayed focused on brining this small Sìrlan back to working order. Feeling the thrust of the ship the clone and Hijìn fell back against the back wall of the command center confused as to what caused this. Vìrkä on her way out in slowed time had put the thrusters to blast at max efficiency straight ahead following the sea creatures paths, they seemed to know the way and so she chose to follow them in the pursuit of the one haunting their souls abroad. Kÿr's small body gaining some warmth from the scars closing up but it still wasn't enough.. "He's..he's suffered essence damage..", "Wh-what does that mean..?", Hijìn asked the clone in concern, the clone turning to face him responded, "The one who attacked him in his sleep had the power to not only physically harm him, avoid his sensors, and get aboard, but has the power to physically damage and tear at his soul.."

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