Rivited Being-Wannabe Deities..

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Chapter: 8 Arc: 4


  Heavy fist slamming down on a cluttered work desk as papers flew off and around was met with a look of exhaustion and frustration. Back at the rebuilding city, Rimi would slam their head down on the desk after seeming to endlessly be staring at a makeshift computer screen ahead of her as commotion lingers behind them. Face of exhaustion consuming their very being was met with them endlessly typing each and every code they had saved to try and find anything relating to the mission. Scans from satellites flying over the planets upper atmosphere displayed their projections the same exact scene: the aircraft flying over deserted land into the target zone, moment aircraft approaches it disappears without a trace, targets and individuals also vanish without a trace, and finally only one individual occasionally has blips of signal before they're completely lost again. Sliding hands off the holographic keys and planting their hands on the desk once more, Rimi groans as the footsteps of another follow right behind till a small blue fabric is wrapped around them, with them merely groaning again as they snuggle up against the cover.

Rimi: "I just..don't get it? How does someone just...disappear off the face of this planet like that? Is there something I'm not seeing here?! These kids don't have teleportation nor is getting escape velocity in the same second as they vanished plausible either..so wh...what..?"

  Papers in hand as mask is cast aside on the desk by the monitor, Kÿr shakes his head in disappointment as he merely walks round and hops up on the desk and sits down staring down at them saying..

Kÿr: "We've been through this already..they probably are tied to some other force that took them in, it's the main reason I didn't want to go..apart from turmoil..It's that place gives off bad vibes."

Rimi groaning as they glance up at the Sìrlan with their yellow square eyes: "What do you mean bad vibes? That doesn't answer how three very potent individuals disappear? Like sure there are storms, but even the most powerful of astral bodies don't take down my cameras..so what's deactivating all my systems?!"

Kÿr: "I Meaaaaan..I dunno~ Maybe there is something more to this world than merely doodads and parasites. Maybe..just maybeee~ you'll have to consider spiritual influences as a potential hazard in this~?"

Rimi: "Ugh-..Ich Hasse Euch when you act coy like that..But what if that isn't true! What if there's something even Greater! Something beyond us that's somehow making some stupidity?! Hmn?! Ever consider that?!" Rimi said as they slapped the monitor softly with the tip of their fingers aiming at the lost signal sign appearing again.

  With Kÿr mostly out of options there came the one piece of A.I with something to bring it into notion, having files stacked in their hands, A. N. I appears before the two in an average height state to bring something up.

A. N. I: "Rimi..there may be some truth in that sense of 'Greater Power'..that may just have some ties to the issues we've been facing recently.."

Rimi turns around and faces them with eyebrows furrowed as they beckon back in curiosity and some suspicion: "What..do you mean by that..Ani?"

A. N. I: "Remember when that subject Hijìn was lumbering around the city upon his disappearance from trying to find that petulant snake Whistèriä?"

Rimi: "Yeah...and shush..don't call her that she's just confused-"

A. N. I: "Yeah whatever-..but in that time there was a weird sudden spike in aggression from all citizens, namely the act of..cannibalism. Where they began to viciously begin to try eating one another like savages..or even weirder..just stare plainly eyes wide open at everything unmoving and most of the time..at the very cameras we have hidden almost as if something..or someone..made them acutely aware of it all."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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