You killed them..For Love..

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Chapter: 20 Arc: 2
Actions so inexcusable yet so pure..questions unable to escape your very lips hang on the verge of speaking your truths, dripping of rain in the dark skies cloak the world around you in moisture and dampness. Yet all you can see in front of you are the eyes of a murderer, a world wide killers, a genocidal maniac, but even with it all lingering in your mind as the prey you are you sit down and speak with the weakened lion who lays there to rest. Fate is sealed and she seemingly knows how by how quickly she knew our words before they were even need to know why..bring yourself to it..
Why does he matter so much to that bitch..

Soft dripping of rain just outside the closet door made you stare back out to the ever so damaged dark room, you had no sense of time in this position as from what it seemed it was the middle of the night, but with no other options you would stare back into the blind eyes of a fallen Angel. Their clear blue blood staining the gray fluid with its sin, wounds ever so slowly healing, and clothes getting drained of their stains by the moment, you two would stare at one another in literal silence as not one wanted to speak on first. Their face submerged up till their upper nose hid itself from your view, this was incredibly uncomfortable- forget fights or strange behaviors this was indeed the weirdest position you've ever been in, but as you throw all concern you both would spring into the same action and try to ask~
"Who are you..?"

  Hijìn and Vìrkä stared at one another awkwardly after asking such a question at the same time, hands sweating Hijìn passed his hands over the ripped white shirt he nagged from her dresser, Vìrkä rubbing her eyes in some annoyance knowing this would be the case. Letting her healing hand fall back in the goop she sat up properly till the top of her shoulders were revealed, speaking out in a calm quiet tone she would say, "For what it's worth..I'd imagine you'd like to know who I am..that's innately fair- I did just appear", Hijìn staring at her and promptly nodding setting his gaze off her and off to his surroundings. Faint glow of the burning candle dying out made the room they were in pitch black, Hijìn turning all about growing uncomfortable in such dark conditions while being in the same place as this crazed being, but from within the tub a faint glow would slowly start to build up that would catch his eye. Small bioluminescent markings on Vìrkä's body would begin to glow a faint green so bright they would brighten up the room, going so far that the small markings under her eyes, the two circles by a centered triangle, would act as headlights for her. "Sorry for that..I..uh..haven't been able to repair my room in a long time so I had to use a more composite form of lighting, is this okay?", Vìrkä asked while she tied her long gray silky hair back into a low ponytail with a string, Hijìn watched her body glow through her clothes making him zone out in the process as the lights softly glowed in the darkness.

  Snap! Snap! Clicking of snapping fingers in your face waking you from your quiet gaze made you jolt back nearly slamming your head back into the wall by the door, Vìrkä stared at him slightly confused as she said, "Seems like my sister........never..whatever..Uhm..", she would clear her throat, "I'll just start off with an introduction..that fine with you?", Vìrkä asked while staring back at Hijìn whom was trying to sit properly back on the small foot stool, him giving a small thumbs up as he finally managed to plant his ass down on it. Clearing her throat as her clenched fist went in front of her mouth before falling back down into the water, "My name is Vìrkä Mònïqe..I am a daughter of Fate and the used to be protector of these crimson forests..grown to be a protector I..uh..", she glanced away getting uncomfortable once again as she blurted out, "You know the rest..". Her hand poking out the side of the tub swayed in his direction implying it was his turn, her gaze staying off him while she seemed to huddle up to the opposite side of the tub, it was like she was trying to gain some sense of comfort while her mind flooded with thoughts..most of which highly corrosive to her mental health.

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