Sunken Eyes and Writhed Bones..

7 2 2

Chapter: 2 Arc: 4

The Blinding Flashes of light spark right on by your face, it's coursing energy slicing slowly through your skin revealing your insides to the harsh elements around you. Putting your hand up to try and see you just witness for a moment a rippling spark of energy break through your weak flesh then fly by your head in slow's sparks gently kissing your insides as it sears and cauterized the flesh onto cremated bone. The power overwhelming it kept on blasting all life from all sides, but you can't see it- just the minute moments between the fray if it's fracture and it's ending..yet it Hurts!
With only the remaining coo of the small creature turning a blind eye you stretch your remaining arm out and try to gain leverage, breaking past the form as the one before you has been utterly consumed in all the chaos.

"Mase~ Morique!"

"Ka re Vasta!"

"Nichi Damera~"

"Mir Si Virekun.."

Hand swipe clashing with a forearm, quickly slapping at your neck making you stagger, spiked up and swerved to the right slapping their arm away and thrusting your fist into a hard object. Blinking a few times and're still in the same place, but what..did you hit? What is..this solid object...I've..just struck?

"Mishu Nandaa Neou~"


  Hijìn staring down at the ground he'd have his knees in the dark soil, hands sinking in the lifeless grass he blinked a few times only to see that thing again. A creature of upmost darkness, spawned from the bowels of everlasting hatred and corrosion, given form and a name, tasked with ridding the world of all its purity in exchange for its collective power. He stared the clouds, their bundled up bodies colliding in rolling waves beyond the hills edge, as the black and grey trees that stretched far into the sky swayed left and right with their maple-like leaves. The power to be anything..what an..amazing thing, to be able to be whatever you could ever dream that..what a Blessing is..? The dream? To not see the such a dark visage? Is that why...I lack one? Lack the power to be anything greater than the consumer of the worthless..for one shall always writhe in what births them...

The Sand...

The Warm..Breeze..


Am I only left as a spec of the bottomless sea..drifting along the waves...till I can't emerge anymore..I- I've drowned.

Hijìn's eyes slightly faltering as their endless darkness was met with their flickering green to red light, his serrated teeth cutting as his gums, and his still sharpened nail-like claws stab at his hands skin. Glancing right as his dirty brown hair slowly blowed in the wind aimed south, he faced a portion of these woods only to witness a lightning bolt strike the tree and cause it to collapse in on itself. It's dust billowing around itself soon passed over the grass, with the man seated there he felt it's death course it's way over him and beyond him down a darkened path. Turning to his left he again saw as a boulder, standing strong and being the support for a bundle of faded vegetation, instantly is struck by lightning and crumbles into rubble leaving nothing behind.

The Thing glancing down at his own hands witnessed them..tremble, his hands shaking so violently he could just barely force the strength remaining within him to clench them into a fist. Quickly swiping down and planting his clawed hand down on the soil he winced in pain, his legs having given in he could barely force himself to stand, but to his dismay sparkling out from his own body, the very strings bound to his very being, begin to latch to the ground and attempt to drag him back down. His legs wobbling so badly they seemed to collapse he clenched his jaw furiously trying to part from his strings, but the harder he forced it the more his own self wanted to drag itself down into the dead soil. With a final shoulder yank, Hijìn broke off from the strings latched to the floor and exhaled sharply, his teeth bared out he snarled in exhaustion attempting to breathe...issue was...even his own strings were constricting the very organs in his body..pound by pound..ever so slowly getting stronger...crushing him from the inside.

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