"They meant the harm they always dreamt of taking from me.."

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Chapter: 7 Arc: 4

  Worlds splitting in two as the man let his arms hang, either side of him coursing past him like a never ending wave as he softly smiled as he raised his head and faced the parasite at the caves end. Body twitching from the discomfort of itself as blue ethereal strings still coursed through the mans flesh, was met with the ever so present divide of the world and the damned parted by the will of itself. Like a thin line of white fire being the border between the man and the existence that drained him was overshadowing the parasite standing before him who watched this in utter disbelief. World divide and no one can hear the saints cry, was beyond all the reasonable doubt the very split. Yet, even with not a sense of self...the parasite took another step, their very drive, their very selves, although hollow and lacking any kindredness, broke forth and opposed said force that drove through the world. Mans internalized emotions present as they disrupted the flow of space and time metaphorically blasting beyond him as the sensation grew more intense. As the parasites guise was shattered as from the thin line of white flame would spin and just in its wake cause such disturbance that in its swirling motion would suddenly break itself open to a giant white eye staring at them from behind the man.

Skipping of instances like their life was flashing before their very lives as the pulsating light flashed faster and faster like an epileptic episode of neurotic shock to the senses, as the eyes glare grew more and more intense as for in those flashes it was if there were eight hands on their way to snatch the man as it just kept getting faster. Each pulse making it grow nearer and nearer and as the parasite watched the mans facial expression he can merely see the defeat in his eyes being hidden behind his hatred and couldn't help but to press on forward with another step. Their clawed heels stabbing into the dirt beneath their feet felt the pushback from the unseen force that felt all too familiar, even going so far as to remember the very force that ate them till it left them as weak as a pest all those lifetimes before. Very light accelerating into both spheres as the white explosion of light behind the man, was nothing in comparison to the intensity of the parasite digging deep within itself, as the said light would begin to get absorbed into their very cracks of their rugged armor. The mans face fading its false soft smile into a look of defeat as the world tried to take him back only for the parasite to fight it back by merely stating its clause, but even in their best attempts and the man beginning to see the parasites attempt for what it was, the world merely grew more restless to take back what it wanted as in this world of utter darkness only the perfect may strive.


  Funnel of yellow light broke the veil between the two as its surging energy brushed away all the dust and let the world fall back once more. Man buckled down as he seemed to limp back holding his head in discomfort as the parasite turned back to see what caused such a sight only to see something somewhat bizarre. Coursing yellow energy of strange shaped quarks darting around the siren was met with Whistèriä coming forth from the cave..just..different. Hair much fluffier and mostly covering her hair as she had disfigured antennae coming from her head aimed back, she poked her head forth and took a few steps as her aura gave a soothing sense of remembrance and nostalgia to any present to itself. Sparks of yellow lightning like energy pulsed around Whistèriä as she exited and met eyes with the parasite whom looked on in shock as they occasionally looked back to check on the mans status, but in their strange state would softly ask in a slightly kindred male voice: "Xèhtrï..you seem well, don't mind my sudden entrance, but my friends didn't want to take charge after Terry did his misdoings to you all prior so I took charge this once." Xèhtrï furrowing their brow looked in confusion asking: "You know of me? You obviously aren't Whistèriä..and judging by voice change and appearances...it's spiritually related, long as it doesn't harm Him..I won't complain." Whistèriä smiling tenderly as her eyes shined pure yellow energy, with her tattoos all glimmering the same color would comment: "Of course! I said to fix things and of course she wouldn't listen, also great observation- Heck..if it wasn't up to me it's as if you'd have a soul by now~" before giggling softly as Xèhtrï awkwardly laughed back getting concerned by that statement.

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