Threaded Instances, Differing Paths, Nothing goes and Everything Lasts..

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Chapter: 25 Arc: 3 




  The sounds of echoing heels echoed in the abyss as the two finally got their ground, Hijìn clenching his teeth winced a little as they looked about wanting to see the source of what was incoming. Whistèrïa on the other hand was done soothing their knuckles and bared their razor-sharp teeth knowing that the Tarantula was finally coming. Except...something was wrong. As Hijìn glanced about only seeing the endless white plains of the temporal realm surrounding him, he could swear that through the incoming footsteps that he can make out people flashing in and out of his eyesight. His gaze becoming so distracted from what's actually at stake here that even Whistèrïa takes notice of this, abruptly smacking and pulling his arm over to her in order to see what was wrong with him promptly asking. "Hijìn what's wrong? What are you looking at..sure this is the land of the undead, but there isn't anyone else here that isn't little miss ruination coming towards us beyond our sight line" Saying this all in a more tempted but still raspy aggro-tone towards the man. 




   "I-I..I see them..the people they affected....there are...hundreds of many more..just look" Hijìn said shakingly pointing off to the horizon and the skeptical Whistèrïa furrows their brow and poked her head over the man checking out their surroundings as the footsteps kept coming only to see nothing. "What're you talking about I don't see anything, just a bunch more white grass in every directi-" she said immediately turning around to see the whole environment turn completely different before their very eyes. Colossal waves of water engulfing them they were suddenly dragged into a strange visage, blocking the force of all the water with their arms over their face it eventually took them in to something way different than what they expected. Spectral lower torso just keeping them steady, Whistèrïa opened their eyes to see one of only sights, their home underneath the waves, immediately standing as best they could to see it in all its glory once again. Large, spiraled pillars holding up what appeared to be upside down structures within one another, connecting these layered structures were tethers made from glowing line which hooked all things into the black abyss above. Whistèrïa seeing this solely paused as so many numbers ran through their head, "How can we be back here..were only a spirit we dont even have our body?!', "Impossible that this is still standing its been literal ages since I've been back home", "Is there a chance that they could still be alive to answer my questions", "8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8900 8100 2343 2556..code..code for the wait..why am I thinking of the door..Unless" The same instance Whistèrïa grew some level of discomfort in their own thoughts they swerved their body right as fast as they could, coming right at them like a whole planet falling right on top of them a whole fragment of what seemed to be a continental shelf was speeding at their home. The water was cold..too cold..nothing was moving in any way shape or form. Strange symbols kept appearing from thin air as when she turned around giant catapults charged by those same glowing tethers slingshot staffs that created barriers in an attempt to hold it back. Whistèrïa springing into action even with the strange symbols in their eyesight stopping them from seeing straight, would clench their fist as the massive chunk of land mass fell faster and faster consuming everything in its path turning thousands of generations of work into mere powder.  

  "SCORN OF THE SEA!!!!" shouted Whistèrïa as their arm grew a spectral aura until it turned into a gigantic, clawed hand that grabbed the land mass taking them for the ride. Shunted all the way to the sea floor, the Siren planted their ghostly feet into the floor grinding the sandstone floor into dust as right above them the land mass kept taking spires to whole pieces of their civilization with them. "D-Damn those soul tethers! If they weren't infused with so much life energy and not binded with black rock alloy chains maybe everything wouldn't get ragdolled!" Whistèrïa said as she grits her teeth and flexed her right arm displaying her full strength, whole arm becoming many times larger with veins bulging all acorss her triceps, biceps, and forearm as in that same moment the land mass would stop dead center and simply slowly float downwards. 

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