Its a Loving Dream, an Altered Heart, and a Forgetful Nightmare..

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Chapter: 23 Arc: 3 
Summers dawn sets upon us all as with arms out graciously you awake into a new day, shuffling of linen bandages cover your frame you can't bear to smell the pungent smell of uncooked flesh mounted upon a fire. You're warm, warmer than you've ever felt in your whole short life, as if someone had came around and gifted you this second chance to be new...a new life at best am I wrong? As your left side's perspective is all but a shadow, your right eye aimed up high can't help but realize what's going on, while passing your hand down your chest you wince a few times in pain from the stinging of wounds still fresh in your skin. Air softly exiting your lips you don't feel dehydrated anymore, where are we? You ask yourself as the stone reinforced cavern-like ceilings catch your attention as painted across the ceiling were faded drawings of the night sky. All making their mark as dots resembling the stars, large circles represented other astral symbols, and most notably was the largest star in the sky that took up the most space followed by two smaller, but still massive stars by its sides captivated your mind for what felt like an eternity.

  Turning to your side you rest your cheek on a squished pillow passing your hand down the matted bed filled with strange fibers and cotton-like fillers that gave this bed such comfort, but as your body stirs you begin to take in more of what is actually going on around you. You're in a cave. Covering the walls are bizarre markings done by what seem to be large tools, hanging racks of dried plant matter, and the center housing the grill that was marinating some strange chunk of flesh looking mass that writhed in place as the flames tickled it in a beautiful glow of white. Everything reflecting off of itself as jars of weird liquids rested upon worn down super tall wooden shelves; Yet as you look down at the bed you rest upon as the tanned skin of your hand catches your eye you take some curiosity as to what this all came to be. Who...are..we? Stiff joints and a air cramp building in your shoulder blade you try to get back up as the sounds of heavy winds outside ring on and on like a soothing melody, even then with all that's present you can't quite piece it together how you got to this weird place that fits everything larger than yourself.

  Bandage around your forehead and left eye you do your best to find anything around you that may deem useful. Snagging at random sticks thrown on the floor by the bed that you can just manage to reach, a giant fork too heavy for you to pick up, and lastly a sharpened piece of wood that when you grab the handle of it you clench tightly almost as if instinct drives you to wield its potential. Mere thought of what could be done with this useful piece of weaponry began to build in your fragmented mind. Slicing, shredding, breaking of guard rose further and further on as you eventually stabbed the bed with high drive of bloodlust, your right eyes pupil shrinking to a mere speck as your breathing intensified made you pause for a moment soon glancing down at your full forced grip on the wooden dagger. The wood warped so badly it was on the brink of breaking you jerk your hand back in realized pain, holding your right wrist in discomfort as some sort of primeval drive made you do this bizarre act completely unlike yourself you sit back on the bed checking your arms and hands in shock. How did we break that? Why was I so..angry? How did we get so strong? You thought as the tension built up in your hand soon settled as tensions drew to a close and with your back turned don't notice the shift in the caverns air pressure from a specific corner leading outwards.

  Outside: ...

  Dark skies, rolling clouds, and harsh winds with the occasional thundering boom of building thunderstorms shook the outside world, and with it a single figure stood amongst the sea of pearly white sands. Dunes stretching beyond mountains the cloaked individual took its heavy steps each and every time towards a set destination. Bags heavy, filled with strange objects, didn't seem to burden the individual as they walked on with their hooded head hanging low. Dripping fluids from one of the larger bags fell down onto the glossy white sands and immediately faded away, the heat was truly something even in this cool emptying breeze that takes it all away from you and flys away into the never ending sky. Heavy footstep pressing its claws into the sand it stops at a hidden wall buried underneath a collapsed tree, its roots serving as protection and a cage that doesn't let anything escape, with its remaining giant branches holding what's left of a age before it all began fading away. One of its worn out hands came from the darkness of its cloak and pressed itself against the black brimstone of the cavern walls, its black sharp claws extending out and gripping the stone with such force the whole structure trembled.

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