Split the Sea and Scarn the Underworld Alive

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Chapter: 7 Arc: 3
(Author Note: This was a full page but I had to slice it in half to not have a whole Entity Chapter like I did in the Second Arc)
Maybe you really are the fool, no one truly knows one another till they've had a knife rip out their spine multiple times, a growing feeling of dread deep in your gut creeps further and further within you. We always speak of the end but every time it draws near the goal post shifts way off..or..maybe it's just too soon to tell. Heck- a whole lifetime and a half ago I was running through the desert trying to make my way around the world.. I've already lived a full journey in that desert..went on my own..made friends..fought hard..tried my best in the end only for my story to end. When I made it to those red woods I didn't realize it at first but it was my actual second chance at writing a whole new story..I've made new friends..established bonds and had conflict..but I'm nowhere near the end..none of us are. She may see my end but I will change it regardless..I won't fall again..
I will be Stronger..not only for myself..but for everyone else too..
I'll honor your wishes..

Floating in a sea of darkness your face lingers on the surface, the trembling sounds of the world around you makes you wince in annoyance. Your ears are filled with water and your body feels the ever so closing in feeling of departure, our body is alive..but we can't move. Eye's glistening in a dark world wrought from any light you can only witness the reversed shine of the stars in the water you delved within. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.


Screams from the dark abyss of the sea making the world around it freeze in place, small flashing light stuck in the middle of this destroyed world tries its best to run away from the darkness chasing it. It's stone-like near impenetrable armored body would shoot from the depths leaping several dozen feet in the air and growing in size just on your tail, it's armored face ripped open revealing a multi-jawed maw filled with white serrated teeth. The seas stood still once again making you go flying in the air over the hardened waves, small sea life trying its hardest to escape were dragged in, everything it's going mad with large armored fins breaking through the stillness only to get struck multiple times by those uniquely colored yellow Rajòz forcing it back down. Glowing ethereal yellow eyes vanishing underneath you chasing your every move the further you go, seas moving once again allow you to gain traction and explode away with incredible force to the horizon ahead. Somber Spirits call out to you just beneath the waves, their broken melodies coming into one ear and exiting out the other, pulses of cyan light come and go, and the vibration of the water rattling up everyone inside with heavy turbulence, what else is there to truly do but hold on and pray for mercy.

One of the massive sea creatures carrying land masses on their backs breached from the water wanting to escape this watery grave, it's many fins flailing in the air as it tried being free from its prison, looking up you grow fearful that it will slam down on us with immense force rendering us dead..but. Just as the behemoth leaped from the water with your ship speeding down a wave the Ethereal SeasSpoken form of Whistèrïa broke free halfway and with a powerful swing with its clawed left hand it shattered all of the behemoths bones and sliced half of its torso in two instantly killing it knocking it back underwater. Giant splash behind you filled with bright blue blood splattering everywhere Whistèrïa's Ethereal form blitzed it's way down the wave shredding every single bit of life into pieces as it came at you claws beared chasing your tail growing ever nearer. "Join Us! Join Us and Die! Become that Monster! I know you can Be! Tehehehehe! BECOME THE MONSTER!!! KILL THEM VÌRKÄ KILL THEM ALL!! TEHEHEHEAAAAAHAHAAAAAA!!!!", the raspy little girl-like voice rang in everyone's heads screaming out as loud as it could, she couldn't bare witness anymore and shot out of her strapped in seating towards the back of the boat regardless of your pleads to stop. Giant clawed hand growing so close its razor-like nails were about to rip a chunk of the ship off and take it under was all stopped when a massive flash of green light appeared then vanished into a world shaking explosion hitting the face of the Ethereal SeaSpoken form knocking it right back into the wave again.

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