Brittle Brittle little Sea Begotten Bones..

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Chapter: 24 Arc: 2 
Must be something along these way everything has been eaten by those damnable parasites
Sands so dark I wonder how many souls are buried deep beneath them
That's a horrid thought..actually heh- those waters..though..
Feel them calling my name even..I feel like..going to them...
So comforting..just one..
So very Near to the Edge..
It..speaks to Me..

  A harsh tug at the back of your jacket thrashed you back to the shoreline, foot ever so hovering above the water you blink in confusion as to what had just transpired. Hand letting you go you sit there staring at the rolling waves of the sea till you hear, "The Waters aren't safe..I wouldn't recommend even wading in it if I were you", that soft voice making you turn up and to your dismay it's that same woman again. Vìrkä stared down at your small figure with a serious expression on her face. It has been a long and restless night at the beach, apart from the hectic morning it just felt like there were voices calling you- ringing in your ears never seeming to go away no matter what you tried. Forehead bandaged up with a piece of cloth, Vìrkä helped Kÿr stand back up off the black beach sand, "My bad for the force..but uh- These waters aren't safe..undrinkable and for what I know inhospitable so I recommend you throw something in it before you even try to touch it okay?", finishing it in a soft tone of voice after patting your shoulder a few times she walked away into the distance along the shoreline. Kÿr watched her following on the black sands made him wonder on about this strange feeling, 'she must sense it too right? Like who can't it's such a strong tugging it's truly calling out for you', Kÿr thought to himself promptly brushing off the sand from his trousers and running after her to not be left behind.

  The dark blue sea was serene, the view of blue for as far as you can see with no landmasses in the distance to take record of, this continent is really like a massive island with nothing else around it but draining. Soft cool sand crunching under your footsteps Vìrkä stretched her arms in the air fully opening her mouth revealing her serrated teeth once again to yawn, her bare toeless feet sinking into the black sand as she walked ahead. Her left long drooping ear twitched up as she stopped in her tracks, Kÿr panting a bit put his hands on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath, "Jeeeeeeez....Hhhh- I hate being Short..stubby darn legs..", he wheezed having to take even longer strides to even catch up with her. Vìrkä putting her hands behind her head looked down at the Sìrlan and smiled holding back a little laugh, "You'll grow into it", she turned around, "Little Hybrid", she remarked continuing to walk on knowing what will ensue after this.. 'it's classic Kÿr right? Of course it is'

  "Pvbshdbfft- What?! What'd you say?! Come back here!", Kÿr said waving his fist in the air in aggravation running on his stubby legs after her to no avail, Vìrkä speed walking away causing the small Sìrlan to trip over his own tail and roll on the ground. Sounds of playful screaming and sand getting kicked everywhere made none other than Hijìn to turn around and look back. Hijìn had turned remaining rags as well as woven cloth by Vìrkä into pieces of clothing for him to wear, he had collected sharp shells from the beach and grounded them into powder, fitted branches he got from the red wood tree line into a stone spear, had already made a water jug from a random skull husk he found buried under the sand, and woven himself a small sun hat with the remaining plant fibers and cloth he had left over. Looking back he saw Kÿr chasing Vìrkä, the two playfully running around slightly getting splashed by the waves hitting the shoreline, Vìrkä sprinting then hopping over a incoming wave made a run for it from Kÿr chasing after her threatening her with a water blaster. Hijìn sighed looking away faced back towards the tree line, he has been testing wether or not their ban from these woods had been true, but sadly with many attempts at getting inside they've all been futile. One can only move their hand within a feet of the tree line before a heavy gravitational force beginning to encircle your arm and once close enough your thrusted back unable to get any closer..what an inconvenience..

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