My Darkness..Given Horrid Form..

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Arc: 2 Chapter: 4 1/2



The night settled in your nightmares, the flashes images of the endless expanses of darkness would echo on forevermore, no matter how long you stare onward you see nothing except the graves. Unfamiliar faces stretched on in each direction as you stared onwards without anything to change it. The sensation of emptiness grew more and more as a tear would stream down your cheek as your hands raised on their own and as the single tear fell it would splash onto the remains of rotten blood. Your eyes looking down as droplets of blood would rain from the skies and run down your body as all the remains kept going further, until you looked up and stared at the red and black cloudy skies watching as more bodies kept raining down. Breathing felt like an endless array of needles and searing pains digging into your core, each hyperventilated breath making each pain rise further and further the longer you watched on. Others blood mixing in with the blood coursing in your own body kept it all rising..

Remember..what you've become? come from?

You hear as you turn around swiftly and see the sight of a giant looming figure enveloped in endless darkness and radiance as its stabbing eyes would stare you down. Their presence not aligning with the very atmosphere around itself that it would slowly creep in your mind that this wasn't right. What are these never ending dreams..and this? What do they want with me? I here? Body dripping in others blood as the bodily fluid kept rising all around you as it began to rise to your knees, but the being stood there staring there with it's glitching vista would peer through you as it winced its eyes almost mocking what this has turned into. Yet, as those words it spoke in the softest but most horrifying voice ever heard stabbed it's way through your senses you could be met as the very feeling of emptiness grew further throughout your system. It's many hands that shot forth in a sense of opening would soon hang back as they were folded behind itself as it seemed to know something further. The being ahead of you slowly leaned its head sideways all the way until it suddenly vanished in this world of filth and death leaving you to drown in the endless expanse of sin.


"What..a beautiful nightmare..~"

Hijìn heard in a soft and somber tone as he suddenly turned around to see a man with his back turned to him seeming to stare around, the man was unfazed by the horrors happening around them as they didn't dare to show themselves to the original man who watched in confusion. Trying to yell out, Hijìn was muted immediately, in this state as the man ahead of him seemed to phase through the blood and bodies in front of them as Hijìn took notice of that. The other man taking a step ahead made Hijìn take a step forward as well, each movement the other man would do made Hijìn do the same action. The two doing the same thing over and over again until the man turned around and Hijìn did the same thing as he heard from the man behind him as he was unable to turn around on his own anymore: "It's difficult..this body? It's like you're naturally repelling me, but the more you repel me the more you burn it inside me to fight for it further~." The sensation of muscles cramping from being locked in that position sank deep in your conscience, splashing of fluid behind him as he was locked in place was furthered by cold hands gripping onto his arms tightly.

Hijìn unable to move couldn't turn around as blood dripped from his body onto the rising fluids below him, with the man behind him sneaking up against him as he gripped Hijìn's arms from behind getting closer. Very sensation of weird tendrils crawling up his back made Hijìn wince and manage to jerk around in an attempt to get free, but the man would chuckle as it held him even firmer as the sensation began to grow over his body more and more as the corruption would stretch around his shoulder to his torso. Speaking forth to the man it would say to him: "Such..youth~ Shame you had to wake me up..with" The streaks of infection growing further and further like black streaks across his body, made him break his mouth forth and screech out in desperation as his body began to ripple in red energy. The ripples growing faster and faster caught the attention of them as they tightened their grip and wanted to speed up the process, until he was able to move his arms away from that man's grip, screaming lastly as he jumped forth out of the grip and made the strength to turn around to face what's been holding him back.

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