1000 Reader Milestone 💫

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  It's been around 8 to 9 months since we hit our 500 reader milestone back to when we first began the third arc and here we are still heads deep within it and events keep progressing onwards past our horizons. Of course this was delayed since we actually hit our milestone not that long after this books first anniversary on September 5th of this year which still blows me away that I've been doing this nonstop for a year straight, but it all came down to things I wanted to get for this 1k milestone that held me back to this eventful day and now with everything at hand I can finally give much thanks once again.

There are always many things holding us back, new life changes, new events coming and going, loss of friends/family, maybe even something devastating that changed your whole view on the world, but I just want to reassure you you're doing amazing and I'm here for it. Sure it's completely different to some stranger you are reading their weekly uploads (unless more planning is needed) to get some validation- issue is I'm telling the truth I'm here for all of it and won't ever go. Gotta be for one another in these trying times and sure I can personally admit my story doesn't help in the slightest 😅 but I can admit I'm trying to make something for all to enjoy and sink their parasite or super powered teeth into regardless of background. Be it Fate that pushes us apart or the rippling tides beyond our shores, we're all connected one way or another and simply taking the hate we have and throwing it around will only cauterize the wound even more.

With that I'm sure you didn't come here to listen to some stranger ramble, you're here for either art or for 5 thousand worded jumbled messes to glance at then go on with your day. So in fruitfulness I shall bear said burden and give you what I have received in the time between and maybe even something or two I've tried creating myself for this occasion (regardless of how chicken scratch it may be), now without further a do-

👁 Let's Go pathetic Mortal Scum 👁

Vìrkä by @NotAcidicdreams on twitter

Vìrkä by @NotAcidicdreams on twitter

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Whistèriä also by NotAcidicdreams

👁 StarGazer 👁 sticker by yours truly:

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👁 StarGazer 👁 sticker by yours truly:

👁 StarGazer 👁 sticker by yours truly:

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