You've come a long way..Now Succumb to Sin

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Arc: 2 Chapter: 4 2/2


Such a fruitful endeavor of evolution..evolution..the very concept of biological change to a degree of creating new unique life merely paired to the past that died prior, but..we're not here for that...

What a wondrous feeling~

The sensation of a beating heart..pumping veins ripped immaculately with prime blood, and the ever present feeling of being watched?! Ahaha! It's like I'm dreaming or is this just how it went all that time ago?

Such a eventful resolution~

If only they kept record, but I know their so called new Mom is what's keeping them out of wraps and away from possibly gaining semblance of what's been done. Ohhhh the travesties ridden across the world..I almost feel bad for those lowly rats that scurry beneath the foliage- afraid the webs at the brink of snapping and their fates sealed in the maw of the arachnid~

Hmph..if it were only that simple~

Now little Body..Wake Up.




Quick jolt of the body and what used to be Hijìn's body came alive, eyes completely dressed in a swirled milky black shine, hair filled with frolicking strands of black tendrils, and the body slowly creeping up with dark markings of once normal blood cells now packed tight with parasitical growth. Body invigorated like never before, at the very seams of the quiet night the man would be the only thing stirring. Foot planted down arched back out as the man scoured around their surroundings, eyes fully opened wide as they saw through each crack and each weak point like it was free game until..we laid our eyes..on Her.

"Hèr'La..oh sweet Hèr'La..what a sweet and innocent sight..pristine selves and the bodies in between can't compare to such a treasure..~" We said in anticipation looking down at her, Hèr'La soft faded blue skin shimmering in the sister gas giants nightly glow. Her soft hair being the only thing keeping her very so called eyes from witnessing what we became. With just a small move I can disembowel her..she's so slow she'd never be able to react to me..Dead before she even felt a kiss. Then the pest..that Sìrlan..what a bother..his very presence is irritating as is..just wait till he unlocks his full potential- those foul creatures are known for their creativity and mastery at being a jack of all trades..Eugh..disgusting. We thought as we stared down at the Sìrlan cuddled up against Her, so close yet so far as just any claw movement and they're both goners..that simple, but..even with my the end..she's not my final target.

Lacking the sensation of any moonlight drags the night to a halt as all we can feel are the small particles beaming from the gas giants gracefully passing us by that nothing else on this world can ever sense. Every scent, every heightened action, all of it was tied to what we are poor's such a shame you didn't just give in so easily, but..looking down at those two sleeping so peacefully..pfft- Makes me reconsider what I could do right here..right now. Every ounce of my being wants them to Die..every..measly ounce, while yes my goal..but they will become such irritants I can just tell. Thorns in my side..for I may decorate myself with the novelty of roses, but for the beauty hidden behind alcohol and misguided truths..I'd rather allow the Horde to take them over instead. We internally laugh, the ridiculousness of it all is just so absurd- how can such pathetic beings be of such hindrance?! They're meek- don't even compare to the weakest of servants..Pfft~ if only the outside world of this closed bubble knew how short the world was. How short the world really was to becoming what I always wanted..what want it to become~

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