Introduction into Arc 4

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  Barreling out from the end of the second arc on crashing waves seeing the never ending seas, broken down into the chasms of a hidden gem of a world known as Astra Rimi Starlight City. Where not only we got to see characters such as Rimi, but also A. N. I, Whistèrïa, Drauker, and many others whom all made their debut in this arc all having their shared impacts. Tied in with Xèhtrï and Hijìn relationship, a new power awakening, following suit of a brand new threat. The Evolved Parasitic Hell coming to wake being lead by the one boundless to all existence known to everyone StarGazer, the one who has struck the hardest of fates against all beings existing in this canon. 

I hope you enjoyed all that happened in this arc as many things are progressing ever so slowly, as we now shift into a different place and time completely. 

As the shadows settle over all living things, the explosions ring on in the distance, aircraft blasting through the dark skies as mini explosions blast by them the shadows grow worse. Thunder growing worse and worse as they went closer the shouting screams of souls ringing in the skies made everything within you shake, Hijìn seeing this with his very eyes saw each and every single one of these spirits blast past them as it was only him in this aircraft. As the storms grew worse there would be intermediate flashes of giant looming dark figures within the clouds, their looming figures screeching in the abyss of it all letting you know that..YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE.

The more the storms grow worse so does the lightning that begins to fall from the sky, striking at everything in sight as the smallest view of rolling plateaus and staggering hills covered in grey trees, black rivers filled with tar-like liquid, and the stench of death looming over all living beings whom remain. Aircraft shaking violently Hijìn would hold onto the side of the carrier looking all around to see what possibly could go wrong. Final strikes of lightning circling a strange gargantuan being hidden amongst the clouds would thrash the carrier into the open hurricane force winds. Thrust out into the open he would merely hold on as tightly as he possibly could as the aircraft would begin to get thrown out of the skies back down into the ground as lightning would rapidly strike it causing a whole widespread meltdown, with Hijìn inside clenching his jaw in frustration as the lightning coursed through all his body and burnt at his flesh speeding its way faster and faster on a crash course with this strange world. 




"Hijìn?! Hijìn?! Are you there?! Can you hear me?! You are so far away from the drop zone! But I left the coordinates on your pocket maps hud! Hijìn?! Hijìn?! Are you there?!"

Small stirring from the aircraft as just beneath all the rubble with air blowing past incredibly fast making fires spread ever so slightly in all directions from the impact. But, beneath all of that the remaining hand would be shown crushed underneath all the metal fragments of what once used to be the aircraft. 

"Hijìn?! You There?! HELLO?! Hijìn?! Ugh- If you can hear me just to let you know..or..whatever it doesn't matter anymore! You are in a dangerous area we haven't explored just yet! Hey!? ....."

The radio contact glitches for a moment as a voice so delicate and yet so horrible echoes through just for the man..

" the start of the End."

Till Next Chapter..

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