Her Sacrifice..now She walks upon Dead Sands..

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Chapter: 23 Arc: 2 
Hard thumping on your chest, each beating trying to knock air into your lungs, you cannot feel your hands or feet not even parts of your face. Soft feeling on your cold lips as air fills your lungs- again the hits ensue and nothing..coughing to your upper right makes you believe something else happened..like it was all a dream. Crashing of waves against the rocks near you mark your survival..this isn't as bad as the beating before..she did something..just before impact..her final wish of power..that one remaining fist pounding your expanding chest as that feeling on your lips pushes air into your lungs.
Open them back up..we cannot rejoice any longer..we've failed- once again..
We've failed..

Flash of your memories flood in with the final moments of the event taking place with the feeling of air being pumped into your lungs once again. Moments before the flashing be all end all attack you remember seeing her stand in defiance to the monster ahead, with no fear she protected you both from the brunt of the blast, but then when it struck she did something strange..a technique maybe? I-it..split the beam in half like the parting of the seas..can't remember her screams clearly..till it all went white. The sensation of weak fists patting at your chest stirring your nerves one last time, senses regrowing back into your limbs you shiver in the cold breeze blowing against hardened skin, an odd weight out of place resting right on top of you..what..is..

"Get Up!"
"Just Get UP!"
"Don't make this sacrifice seem pointless.."
"H..Get Up! Just this once listen..let someone hear me.."

Heavy final slam on your chest makes you cough out only once, pinching of your nose your lips are pressed on again till the feeling of air filling your lungs again starts your mind up all over..your awake. Eyes fluttering open you can barely make out the face of an individual on top of you, they scream out to your waking body not knowing how dulled your senses are as they grab your faces cheeks and yank your head up slightly allowing you to finally gasp for a breath. Jerking his arms behind him using his elbows as support, Hijìn would wake back up alive, the seams of his burnt muscles slowly getting healed by his parasite recuperating his wounds. Sitting up he would wipe his face with his right arms forearm to rid of the sand on his face slowly processing the world around him until he finally moved his arm to glance up at the one behind it all..Vìrkä. Vìrkä was sitting on Hijìn's lap staring up at him slightly with heavy black bags under her eyes, now dull gray eyes, and sand filled gray hair, she could barely make a smile as blood dripped from her forehead down her face before she collapsed back weakly. "N..no..", Hijìn muttered in a raspy tone out to Vìrkä who he caught with one hand, holding her upper arm he looked down at her with some concern as to what the actual hell was going on..and why they were at a coastal beach.

  Red Crimson trees dared step off the tree line and into the beach's sand, unlike Hijìn's home continent this sand was a light black, it stretched for as far as you can see in either directions. Massive cliff faces off to the distance we're slammed against by giant waves ever so weathering down their strength by the eons passing on, no creature dared make a sound in this quiet scenario except for the mumbling of someone else behind you trying to recuperate from the blast. Turning back you see the exhausted face of the woman who saved your lives and all you can barely ask it..why..?, "V-Vìrkä..w..", just escaping you as she just could glance back and respond from her soft green lips,"I..g..ave..Mother..fate..she..my..I'm..for..ever...banish...ed..fr..o..", her face falling to the side she fell unconscious from all the bodily stress applied to her from the past few cycles. She truly did sacrifice..how could someone..do this much for..the things they..we did the same..didn't we Hijìn?..

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