I-I can finally see the sunlight..

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Chapter: 3 Arc: 1

  The glow of sunlight would creep its way through the cracked wave walls.. seeping it's way to pass its warmth onto the faces of the resting two. The sounds of slow passing wind echoed outside with the carpets of the cavern blowing softly- the sunlight rested against the Boys face yet its touch did not wake him. The light flowed into Kÿr who was now feet in the air tail swaying left to right slowly until it reached his face, no facial expression changes before he randomly sprung up and flipping onto his stubbed legs. With a wide extension of his arms he stretched in all directions going in random poses until he yawned falling onto his tush, Kÿr slightly chuckled to himself scratching his head turning to the Boy

  The boy had his head low sniffling and breathing heavy as if hyperventilating- he was snuggled up to the pillar shaking in his boots. Kÿr smiled as he approached- hopping over some small pebbles he broke the night prior, coming over to the boy he held his hand out to touch until something caught his eye. He looked down and quickly noticed a gold glow in the Boys satchel and in a swift snatch he grabbed a piece of folded paper only to stare in confusion, "Wh..is this him when he was younger..? And who's this weird animal guy behind him..?", in an instant the Boy would grab Kÿr by the collar of his white T-shirt lifting him up a bit and Kÿr yelled out spooked.

Boy growling as his blood shot tired eyes glared at Kÿr for doing such a thing to him and trying to take the photo from his bag. Kÿr freaking out would fold the photo back up and hold it out yelling, "Ay! Ay! Ay! Watch it Watch Ittt!! I-I wasn't stealing I Swear!! I- I uH I was making sure everything! Was uHhh.. I was making sure everything was where it was... a-And uh.. the photo fell out! Yeah it Fell Out!-". Kÿr gave a awkward scared smile to the Boy who was very frustrated that his so called new friend would try to do such a thing..but after some understanding the boy dropped Kÿr on the ground.

He hit the ground and tumbled a bit feeling his neck a bit spooked from such a instant grab- he was on edge but this was scary weird.. how is he that fast?! Only to look back and see the Boys blind eye and focusing on it he saw a strange black string pass over the blind eye then disappear behind the eye. He shivered under his skin standing back up walking a bit away saying to himself "D..damnn.. something's a bit off about him but.. I dunno probably he's shaken up after being in the desert alone for so long- yeah! He's.. he's just scared is all..-". Shaking off some dust and sliding his jacket back on..

Grabbing the folded photo from the ground the Boy would stare at it for a moment reminiscing at the contents before shoving it back into his satchel close by to his side and fitted his shirt back on properly glancing over at Kÿr who had his back turned to him the whole time. 'Maybe he was a bit too harsh with him.. but he stole from us- Hmnn..Father wouldn't be so proud we did this..' the boy thought to himself finally wrapping the scarf around his neck and face. Slowly sliding his scimitars back into their sleeves he would approach Kÿr wanting to apologize for his actions, he got on one knee and would tap his shoulder. Kÿr turning around with a more stern but bothered look on his face said, "Yes..?", getting slightly awkward the Boy would try to speak to Kÿr using his unique sign language. He finished looking at the feline-like creature attempting to apologize signing (sign language will be italicized) "I can't fluently say what I feel but I am sorry for hurting you that way..is there a way I can make it up to you?", he finished by bowing his head a bit and holding his hand out with a small look of shame on his face.

Kÿr would watch him sign and would be taken back by how confusing it was to even understand- his eyes scanning every movement and he just couldn't bring himself to understand until he saw the Boy hold his hand out to him. He looked at the bowed child and smiled going over and ruffling the boys brown hair and clasping the others hand before softly tapping his fist against it. The Boy looked a bit off put to the gesture, but Kÿr gave a thumbs up and said, "I call it a Bro-Fist, that's our sign of understanding! We do that and we'll be able to get what we mean and all!" He said putting his two fists together setting an example of the motion, the boy attempting the same but doing it a bit harder. Kÿr jolted and pulled the Boys hands to do it softly, "Woah Woah Woah..Eheh..Not tryna kill each other.. please- do it gently."The Boy stood up properly and made a fist- Kÿr did as well, the two tapped fists and would nod at each other the two sharing a smile.

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