Metal Gears binded to weak Flesh

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Chapter: 8 Arc: 3 
(Sorry for the time between the last chapter and this one, I wanted some time to clear some thoughts and try to structure how this arc will progress, now I'm back and ready to cont this story till I need a break again)

Thick pillars poking out of the ground beneath your feet reaching high into the hardened sky above you keeping the roof from falling on top of your small bodies. The pulsing noises from the cavern ahead fill your body with a discomforted feeling of destruction far off ahead. There is nothing..except that odd carriage. It hangs above on a interconnected rail seemingly coming from the darkness beyond, a soft jingle comes from its doors opening up above you welcoming you to a horrid fate? Or maybe to safety? A risk must be taken or else what could we do in these circumstances..
Weakness..we're all too weak. What has truly become of us..

  Crumbling of the wood on your torn bodies only cements your life burns strong, metal frames soon fading away into little particles in the caves draft, and the heavy ringing of pain in your ears only furthers this discomfort. Falling from the interior of the ship Hijìn slammed against the cold wet ground trembling in his body enveloped in a odd coldness, the cave was freezing her..none of the water droplets froze they just stayed liquid. Kÿr popped out a small chute in the ship launching him into the air while he sat down in his command chair, the back opening up popping a parachute letting him drift down inch by inch after nearly hitting the ceiling of the cave wall from the force exerted upon it. Your healed..but my internalized pain continues..I thought it was okay again but he's still in sheer agony..and what's making that bumping noise so much. Punching a chunk of the wall of the ship off Vìrkä struggled her way out of its hull, gripping her head with her right hand she groaned and whimpered in sheer agony, taking a weak step ahead she twitched and vomited a pool of black liquid on the floor in front of her yelling out a vile belching sound that echoed in the cavern walls. Left arm swaying left to right as she walked step by step she eventually fell to her knees still occasionally puking out heavy pools of that tar-like substance all over the floor getting on her hands and torso from how much kept coming from her systems. The echoing sounds of her vomiting going further and further till they landed on deaf ears..every which way..

  Chair swaying left to right in the air before touching the ground softly the small Sìrlan safely made it down, jerking his head back he exhaled in relief being the one who had taken the least damage from the crash. Popping out of the chair that instantly fell apart behind him, Kÿr stood tall and stretched his arms around feeling a bit confident at the situation saying, "Stupid Sea Beast could not Best Me! My Blessing is better than yours! I am Him! Wait that sounds weird..Ack!", quickly cut off by a small puddle of cavern water stretch up and slap the shit out of him making him quickly run away and stand on Hijìn's head in fear. "Oh All Father! She can still attack us from here! We're screweeweweewewed!", he said running around on the poor man's head who couldn't even resist from how much blunt force trauma hit him straight in the head. Vìrkä muddling in a pool of her own fluids clenched her teeth and punched the ground in frustration, raising her head up it began to quickly glitch in and out of view multiple times, flashes of a strange glowing face flashed until it settled on hers again finally able to yell out in pain from the final surge of fluid forcing its way out of her system. Kÿr watching this stopped his panicking and realized what he was doing, Hijìn just barely able to get up boosted the Sìrlan off him and sat down on his knees looking about in confusion. One eye open he scanned the room trying to find anything to help them at all still feeling the writhing feeling within his own body, Xèhtrï spazzing out underneath his skin was going through the same thing as Vìrkä was..suffering the same pain their maker is experiencing in this very instant.

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