"I am just as much as them, as they are to me in my Heart.."

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Chapter: 11 Arc: 2


Take solace in the fact you've made it so far, feels like a lifetime ago since we came out of that cave..our cave. Now living under these red strange woods you can find yourself surrounded by none other than your peers- your secondary family, at odds as it all feels like for once you don't need to have your nerves on a blades edge..- Join them Boy..

It felt like I haven't been truly living, like the odds with the world only casted me doubt and sadness, the loss, the agony? What is it truly all for, yet, when I open my eyes all I can see are individuals who look like my dad..all with the internalized feeling of joy in their hearts. I don't know how someone can kill only to kill, Heck I've been doing it this whole time and even I don't understand..even though it's been so long..I-I still wish his council was here to guide me to make the right choices, he would probably be disappointed in me for what I've done as of late..heh..I'm..such an idiot. The small round leaves of the trees above would start to slowly fall down to the ground, changing of the seasons has begun and the forest changed from the vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges, to mellow blues and faded purples. The whole woods have mostly been altered by the changing tilt of the planet, whole sections of the world would change as it turned to Fall only for those stuck in this large red continent miss out, from space being more or less a beautiful change as many worlds beyond their own would glisten in gorgeous colors.

Back down on this strange world, the campsite would grow a tad bit more lively since the initial arrival of the feline-like creature Kÿr and strange one named Hijìn, the man walking in his fitted garbs with heavy boxes over his shoulder would turn to face two others setting up shop by a new cave entry and wave with his free arm smiling at them. The two would look over and gleefully wave back at the man as he made his way along, stony paths made over the last few weeks by yours truly to try and help improve the livings situations for his people stopped the tracking of mud further in the campsites against a mountain wall. Large holes have been blasted into the new mountain side followed by a extended bridge supported with the salvageable remains of the old home made travel up and down much easier for everyone involved. Although there weren't as many exit routes compared to the old city the new location made up for it with discreteness from the outside world. Little ones scurried by the tall man feet making small clicking sounds in excitement as they ran past, Hijìn chuckled in content seeing them fly by getting some distant memories of him doing the same when he was as young as they were.

  Ducking his head underneath drying meat racks he would hear a heavy metal bang as sparks flew all over from the impact. Turning to his right Hijìn met eyes with a beast with four eyes, a metal plate keeping their jaw attached together, and a larger boney crust for their head, and a shorter snout with two large lower canines. Their cowl hanging over them as they slammed a mighty hammer down on molten hot metal over a hardened metal platform- The Beast catching eye of the man's presence would somewhat exhale a deep breath as they waved one hand for the man to come over. Hijìn putting the boxes down for a second would duck under the lower hanging roof and approached just to get showered by sparks. Blocking the sparks with an arm he scoffed before the shorter beast pulled his arm closer, the two locking their many eyes together the beast took great notice to the giant mass of darkness sprouting around the man's left eye just deciding to ignore it and get back to the order. Man staggering for a second looked down at the beast whom put their heavy hammer down and turned under their desk, shuffling between items would grab something and begin to yank it out.

  Small den inside of the mountain was just a pocket smithy with a different race of the beast kind calling this small hole home. Although hulking to any other life form, it was still shorter to its bulkier relatives with the added bonus of being much stronger regardless of their size. It taking its time would pull a giant bundle of banded dense chains ending in branded chain blades and slap a band of chains on the man's palm. It panting a bit would raise both hands and grab a stone and flak, pointing one finger at the blades then showing the two items again, it would strike the two together causing a spark then a small flame on a piece of wood on the table. Hijìn grew curious from the display, as the smith didn't speak their form of sign and had to display in different ways. Regardless of curiosity the man would yank the chains towards him and catch the two well sized blades in his palm, analyzing their black metal ridges and coursing sleekness with their density. Looking down at the smith he would genuinely smile in deep appreciation as now he had a true upgrade and a weapon to fully call his own, attaching it to his sides he would wave and leave a yellow flower on the smiths desk as he left with his boxes- with the smith turning around after reorganizing and seeing the yellow flower and picking it up in wonder...

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