What...what have you..Done?!

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Chapter: 14 Arc: 2 
The sound of many footsteps came from the forest as everyone outside the mountain at this moment ran as fast as they could to try and aid those affected by the attack, over half of the whole giant mountain was vaporized with many explosives to dig new homes causing a chain reaction knocking more and more of the mountain down on-top of everyone inside. Kÿr ran in a panic with the two guards looking on ahead as the forest caught ablaze very quickly, whole chunks of the mountain falling by them as they went further and further in, but in all that hurried action the Elder and Hijìn were ahead. Yet, even in all his fear the Elder would look towards the man and only see one sight. Straightforward gaze, emotionless stare, furrowed eyebrows filled with nothing more than hatred, and even though he was gritting his teeth he had to hold himself back from letting his emotions take over as his eyes slightly watered in frustration..
Forgone~ I told you dumbass..I'm always right..and now you deal with the consequences of your ignorance... Hijìn..

  The fires grew in ferocity, their rippling white and blue glow radiated immense heat blocking the paths of any near, even in weakness of old age the Elder stood forth amidst getting burned helping those he could. Flames shot out like giant explosions in all directions sending trees straight to the ground from their strength, one of the guards faltered for a moment in the pursuit of some younglings just as many large structure supporting trees collapsed on top of them. Kÿr jolted back in fear of losing his trainer, his mentor, a good person he could call family he's made good acquaintance with since he's been here, taking it to high gear and running back for the guard to try and help them only to be turned away. "Wait No! Lemme help you ya darn idiot! That's too much even for you let's go!", Kÿr shouted out in desperation to the other wanting this to blow over once more and everyone to be safe again, yet, the guard didn't budge and only looked back at the feline with a calm look on their face. Flames burning off their skin as the flames spread rapidly the guard shot out one of their arms tossing two of the younglings they managed to save to Kÿr who struggled for a moment but held the large babies in his arms, with a loud commanding bellow to the Sirlàn, Kÿr with a heavy heart clenched his teeth in frustration and ran off with the babies leaving the guard to it all. Having made that one moment made like an eternity by his own young ignorance Kÿr turned back, Kÿr's dark sealed eyes and the eyes of his mentor locked on together one last time, another explosion to the far right causing a shockwave to send a wall of flame between them never to be seen again. "Vijírre..Viùrkäl..Vïníqe.., I'll honor that wish.." ...

  Surviving tribe members managed to reach the underground hidden sector of the mountain fortress, seeking shelter from the ever so growing flames outside as the Elder lead them inside one by one making sure everyone was safe until having to go back out there to find more of his people. Third degree burns scarred his already worn down and exhausted body, but each passing second he feels his mind waver he thumps his chest with his knuckles and reignites his primal rage, Blood..~, repeating it in his mind whenever he feels the need to keep his body alive. Running back into the flames one final time the Elder vanished behind the white and blue wall of death leaving those he escorted in the safe hands of the second guard and now arriving Kÿr, "Augh! A-Augh!..C-ccRRAAP!", Kÿr coughed out in a wheezing pain from all the ash and smoke buildup in the air as he entered the shelter. Beating of one's chest the Guard helped the final remaining tribe members enter inside of the shelter before closing it, "H-hey ?! Aren't we gonna wait for the chief? A-aand Hijìaan?! You aren't gonna leave them out there right?!", Kÿr beckoned in a worrisome tone looking up to the hulking beast only to get a hand response telling him to silence. "H-HEY YOU BETTER ANSWER M-..", Kÿr was quickly silenced by the Guard with one finger on his mouth, he was about to shout again until the soft crunching sound of footsteps approached the area of the shelter.

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