Dark Hearts..and Lustful Anger~

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Chapter: 17 Arc: 2
"If that small critter was here I'm sure you would've lost your shit if something were to happen to him..That Rage..that Unadulterated Rage! What beggars tool, but..
I hope you recognize that I am the one giving you this speed! This Power! This Endurance! All of it is ME!"
"Do you know she can read any movement? you aren't actually getting lucky!"
"Subtract my strength and you have nothing!"
"What if that animal thing died in your arms.. how would you react?"
Let me in~
Just let me in
Oh cmon I know you love me
You crave me

I..Hate YOU!!!"

Crossing the border you finally make it back, the forest is charred to a crisp now, smoke bellowing out all around you it almost makes you snap out of your anger. Taking it in along with the reek scent of burnt animal corpses and smoke you grow disappointed, not in this strange woman but in yourself, you could have done so much more to avert from this all happening. Staying away when the elder originally asked you to, trying to fight harder against this annoyance, anything! Anything would've been better than the fate that's been dealt to me...dealt to everyone. Taking further steps getting away from the ash as best you could you make it back into the remaining woods, deep inside you the slithering of that thing makes your skin crawl, why does it always have to be pain..why do we all have to suffer..
Taking a sharp turn, a scent, a strange perfume lingering in the wind, joyful cackling and your senses are back to their tips as if ready for the feeling of being torn apart from the inside out again. Coming from the smoke you see a figure approaching, instinct and the voices in your head telling you not to, but in a fit of arrogance you thrust yourself at them. Claws and Razor like teeth bared you attack like a wild animal without a conscience..
"That's what she wanted..and you fell right into her trap~"

From the darkness of the smoldering hot ground in front of you she burst through. Your claws meaning nothing to her ferocity as she herself snarled out almost like a vicious animal trying to rip asunder her newfound prey. Hijìn's nails having seemed to grow a bit from his anger would cause sparks to fly as his hands clashed against V's blade before slashing at the ground. Body using its immense strength within its muscle fibers, he suddenly contorted himself and thrusted his clawed right hand at her only for the woman to thrust her head back dodging the claws before her. Taking a small leap back, V had swiped her foot kicking soot into the man's eyes causing the man to groan in annoyance from his vision suddenly fading, but that did not stop him from launching a monstrous swipe at her that was so strong it dragged the air behind it so hard it made everything loose around them go flying. Hair being blown back the woman would smile as she noted how much he depended on such measly appendages that she seemed to vanish into a flash of bolting light. Going around his arm that flew past her face, V had grabbed the hilt of her crystalline blade and thrusted it up and sliced the man's right arm clean off by the shoulder before kicking him so hard in the chest it made the very skies tremble.

Very air around them shaking in fear from such a strike, Hijìn in a frantic state of panic as he felt the excruciating pain of his missing arm until the sudden gushing feeling of vomiting coursed through his esophagus. Gripping his throat with his left hand he felt the ball of mass pass up his throat before in absolute agony, yelled out as his last foodstuffs, blood, chunks of his ribs, and other fluids came pouring out of his system all over the floor. Hijìn sent tumbling back was automatically sent in auto as his body upon slamming on the ground once, body rippling in signals saying how it cannot go any longer, would still charge forth after digging his left hand into the floor and rushing at the woman even though his whole face and body is gushing with blood and other fluids from how bad he's been beat. V laughing out maniacally would adore the tenacity as she braced then jumped forth towards him.

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